Kageyama tobio X Hinata Shoyo I'm not enough... (WARNING)

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Pairing: Kageyama Tobio X Hinata Shoyo

Plot: Hinata has been running from his depression for as long as he could remember. He made masks to shield it and never thought he would take them off. He ran from himself, thinking the person he made himself out to be was a nobody, that he as kageyama likes to poke at he was just a dumbass that was incapable of playing his safe haven, that he would never be good enough for his team.

As I have said in my previous book I still do and had experience with self harming and depression so plz don't be afraid to talk to me about it if ya want!
Story begin:

'I wonder if knives hurt more than razors?' I couldn't help it, I can't help it. Everything hurts, my head, my heart. I have this empty feeling in me.

"Shoyo dinner!" I rolled my head painfully toward my door. My moms calls where the only thing that made me remember I was still alive. I turned onto my side my back facing the door and waited for her to leave. "Shoyo?" I heard her mumble knocking lightly on my door. I didn't answer. I don't want food, I want this pain to stop.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan!" I heard Natsu calling for me. I smiled pathetically at the thought of her cute chubby face. It reminds me of him.

"Come on Shoyo let me see~"

"If I let you, you won't touch Natsu right?"

"Hmm I guess but only if Shoyo is a good little boy for daddy~."

"O-okay but if you so much as touch her the deal is off."

"But of course~."

My eyes shot open. It hurt, I think he knows it did and would just laugh it all off like I was the prostitutes he used to be able to afford. He used to just touch them, of course they let him he was paying well. Then he ran out of money, alcohol and they became more important to him so he blew it all, when he could no longer afford them he resorted to me.

He's gone now Shoyo quit being a baby. He's been gone for a month. He left about a month ago before my tournament in volleyball and he just hasn't come back. I was glad but he's still my dad, I still love him even if it is just a little bit.

"Nii-San are you coming down for dinner?" I heard her whimper through the door. I got up and threw on my baggy sweatshirt.

I opened my door and she came tumbling into my room  so quickly it startled both of us. "Hai I'm coming." Of course Natsu being Natsu she insisted on being lifted up into my arms so I did so.

My moms long orange hair tied up was the first clue I had. My second clue was the pair of shoes at the door, the extra pair. When I looked around the kitchen corner there sat Officer Yato the neighborhood officer along with his partner Officer Yukine. "What's going on?" I asked walking into the room.

"Ah Shoyo-San!" Officer Yato smiled. I smiled back and greeted him. I then continued to sit at my seat across from the two my mom sitting beside me along with Natsu.

"Demo why are you two here?" I asked grabbing a bowl from the center of the table and filling it with rice.

Yato made a very unique face. "Well you see your father was found in America."

I peered to my right seeing moms face light up with joy I however felt a feeling of dread. My mom asked the officers to track down my dad after he disappeared a month ago they happily obliged. However everyday I hoped that they'd never find him.... or they would and he would just not want to come back.

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