Hinta shouyou X kageyama tobio Our reunion part 2

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Hinata s pov:

That crazy ukai. I was supposed to be training Mahiru by myself that was the plan on the first day but all he wants is for me and that Baka to train Mahiru and kuro together. WTF!
I don't have time for traitor #1 and his new little stooge. I just want to take me and my student far away! However that was not how it went.

"No no no Mahiru. You're jumping too early resulting in you landing before the ball could be tossed to you. Space out the timing." I wasn't the kind of teacher to help you right off the bat. I tried to let him figure out himself multiple times actually but he kinda just got more upset who knew he was so sensitive he was a stress crier.

"Ah thank you hinata-Senpai!" He shouted running to the back of the court to try again. He has spunk I'll give him that, I think he just might be my favorite first year.

"Mikaela you can't drop kick the ball!" I heard yamaguchi shout at his first year. Huh I guess not everyone got the best players kimizuki and Tsukishima get along okay I guess they both just look awkward. But everyone else they were cool.

"Hinata Boke!" I looked to the sound of screaming and saw a yelling baka. Ugh, I don't even wanna be near him.

I looked at him trying to keep the venom out of my eyes. "What."

"Baka we're supposed to work together!"

"Baka we're supposed to work together I'm Kageyama and I hate everything!" I mocked him as I held my hair down to mock his flat hair.

"I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT BOKE!" He shouted grabbing my shirt and shaking me.

I looked over at Mahiru and Kuro they looked confused. I blurred out Bakageyama as I thought about how the hell we'll make this team work. UGH Coach Ukai obviously didn't think this through...

"Excuse me Hinata-senpai Kageyama-senpai are you okay?" Mahiru asked. Kageyama immediately let go of me and acted like he didn't just try to choke me. Of course he let go of me so I fell on to my ass.

"Ah yes we are." Kageyama said dusting his shorts off of invisible dust. Leaving me on the freaking ground.

Mahiru did this little mimic of a crow and hopped around me. "Hinata-senpai what's wrong with you and kageyama-Senpai?"

"Hai we're fine." I said shortly getting up and walking away leaving the two with bakageyama.

*third pov*

"Nani? Kageyama-Senpai?" Mahiru looked at kageyama asking for an answer. Kageyama however just shook his head and walked to the bathroom with his water bottle in hand.

Kuro sighed. "Come on Mahiru let's ask suga-Senpai."

As Mahiru and kuro were walking to Suga's area they ran into a backing up Tsukkishima.
"Nani? Where's King and Shrimpy? Aren't they supposed to be watching you two?"

"Hai but they both stormed off so we were going to go talk to Suga-senpai..." Mahiru said quietly since he was feeling threatened in the presence of the tall salt king.

"Hah? Tch those Idiots." Tsukkishima said in annoyance.

"Excuse me Tsukkishima-Senpai why are they so mean to eachother? They were never mean when they played together in highschool were they?"

Tsukkishima glanced at the first year duo that somewhat reminded him of him and yamaguchi. "Ah well their third and final year playing with karasuno together was cut very short."

"Anno why?" Kuro asked cocking his head slightly to the right.

"The king walked off our court and joined a volleyball training camp."

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