Yamaguchi Tadashi X Tsukishima Kei tell pretty lies to my messed up mind

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Pairing: Yamaguchi X Tsukishima
Plot: Yamaguchi is the child of a very famous person however it's not the fame you want because he's the son of.....jack the killer. Tsukkishima is the brother of Officer Akiteru a famous local police officer who's known for taking down tons of killers however he's not the one who takes down the killer but instead is the one who takes in the killers son.

Story begin:

It's like a disease, a disease that floods your veins and takes your mind leaving you blind. This madness that took control of my dad, made him kill my mom and made him kill my mind.

I used to be so kind but blood has been on my skin far too long.

He leaves me alone for more days then I can count. When he decided how to work a knife was a far better technique than going to school in the third grade I realized I was about as mad as him.

I didn't even realize it but when blood started finding its ways to my eyes and my dad called it a rise to being a killer, I knew this wasn't right.

I only had one pair of clothing a pair of cut up Jeans a black sweatshirt and a short sleeve cut up shirt, they were all dirt filled and bloody, we didn't have a washing machine.

I forgot what my hair color was like, I also forgot what my face looked like when it wasn't caked in blood and dirt.

I would walk to the park after throwing more dirt on my face to hide the blood, I would watch all the dads and sons play and I couldn't help but feel attracted to the knife that laid in my pocket for safety reasons.

One slash

One slash across the neck

Come on just do it!

You coward just do it

My father would chastise me when I got back with his lips stitched into a smile due to nerve damage. I used to think his smile was lovely, I used to giggle when he would kiss me but now I hate his smile.

I forgot what a clean bed and warm food is, I grew up with the rats on the floor and cold rice in a dish.

My dad was a killer and I, in a way was just like him however I wasn't a killer of people rather the killer of my mind.

I was five when I watched my first killing it was at a death soirée a party thrown by twisted serial killers, we all wore masks and voice modifiers and watched as people were placed in the ring to kill and to fight one another, sometimes even serial killers. I wore a crow mask to these death soirées and let me tell you it wasn't a scary crow mask like one from the Black Plague, No this was a round faced flat crow mask that looked like a little girl's keychain. 

"Boy. Get up here." I heard my father call. How long had it been since I forgot my own name?
We don't do names or birthdays or even holidays we simply just do murder. And how stupid was I, when I thought he'd call me son.

I responded to the dog call and climbed out of the flea ridden couch to his damp dark bedroom. "Were leaving for another death soirée maybe this time you'll be put in the ring geehee." My dad spoke breathlessly as he placed a mask of a clown over his face. 'Father you don't need a mask... no one will recognize you jack, all you are, all you'll ever be is jack the killer...'

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