Tsukishima Kei X Yamaguchi Tadashi My shadowed wings won't do good

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Pairing: Tsukishima kei X yamaguhi tadashi

Plot: a bit of a spin off from the request but basically still the same. Tsukishima kei a new intern at the miyagi mental hospital, he was the perfect intern, he bonded well with the patients and even the other doctors! However a patient that was transferred to a more intense hospital is back on good behavior.


Wake up at 6:00 am


Get dressed

Grab a poptart

Run out the door

Catch the subway

Eat poptart

Get to work


Leave work

Get back on the subway

Go home


Make Ramen

Lounge around

Go to bed


"Hey you, uhhh Intern!" Tsukishima turned around at the call for him, of course he just assumed since he was an intern.

"Yes?" Tsukishima asked the doctor.

"A new patient is coming in today his name is yamaguchi tadashi. I don't mean to ditch my duties but I have an important uhh meeting with Dr. Moore.." Tsukishima scrunched his nose up at the attractive doctor who was obviously trying to keep Dr. Moore and his activities a secret but failing.

"Umm right of course doctor." Tsukishima replied shaking himself out of his trance.

The doctor placed his hand on Tsukishima's shoulder and patted him a few times. "Thanks champ!" Tsukishima just nodded and took the man's clipboard.

All he had to do was ask the patient a few questions and write them down. "You can do this kei." He told himself as he walked down the hallway. Yeah he worked in the hospital but he didn't exactly ever have contact with a patient alone if that made sense.

Room 69

Tsukishima scrunched his face up at the room and not just because of the funny inappropriate things that came to his mind because of the number. Tsukishima took a deep breath and walked into the door he was met with darkness.

"Umm excuse me?" Tsukishima asked as he barged into the dark room. "Are you uhh, Yamaguchi Tadashi?"

"What do you want?" Quiet sniffling came from the bed.

Tsukishima smiled slightly at his accomplishment. "Hi Mr. Yamaguchi! My names Tsukishima." Tsukishima slowly approached the bed.


"Uhh yeah my names Tsukishima but if you'd like you can call me tsukki." Tsukishima offered chuckling lightly.

Suddenly an outline could be made of a boy sitting up in bed. "You're different from my tsukki but you're the same tsukki."

Tsukishima not understanding kind of chuckled. "What makes you say that?"

"We-we were so happy together all of us, all twelve of us." He muttered.

"I'm sorry Mr. Yamaguchi I don't understand."

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