Daichi sawamura X Sugawara Koushi Lemon, wtf are we?

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Okay so this was another request except they didn't specify what the plot was so I just made one up! If you request and don't uhh ask for a plot I'll make one up for you.

Oh and to the person who requested if this plot was not something you liked request again later and I'll make another one with your preferred plot!

Plot: Daichi and Suga have been unintentional "bang buddies" since the moment they were left to clean the gym alone. Yes they've done it many times before but that was just when their hormones got the better of their will to keep on their pants so what happens when this time they actually do it out of love for eachother?

Story begin:

Daichi never understood girls, he has dated some and it always ended up in shambles. Girls were just so complicated to him and to be honest they weren't very appealing. His heart never skipped a beat when a girl said sweet things, his mouth never went dry during a date, and the butterflies in his tummy never made their presence known. Girls were basically just like oxygen to him, nothing to dottle on. (No offense to the girls reading this)

Daichi met him in his first year of high school. As soon as he caught sight of the silver haired boy, he was obsessed with the boy. Daichi walked the boy home, he talked to him constantly, glanced at him through corners of his eyes and even went as far to take up the boys entire time.

"Daichi! Can I come over after school?" Suga asked the tanner boy in the locker rooms. Daichi nodded to the silver haired other first year.

When the two began their walk home they walked in silence. "Anno what do you think of Saga-senpai?" Suga asked Daichi of the dark blue haired setter who rejoined the volleyball club.

"Eh. He's okay I guess, I never really thought about him." Daichi answered while he furrowed his eyebrows at the ground. "What about you?"

"I-I actually really like him, not like romantically, I just.... I want to be like him..." Suga trailed off.

"What like a setter?" Daichi asked the boy as he furrowed his eyes brows.

"I-I think so... you know I'm not good at spiking or blocking I wimp out when I try and block, being a setter just sounds like it'll fit me just right." That was true Daichi and Asahi already knew what their positions were, they've played volleyball before and knew what they were doing, Suga didn't.

Daichi looked at the sheepish boy in confusion. "I say you do whatever comes naturally."

"Really? You wouldn't think of me any less if I were to become a setter?" Suga asked. Setter was an important role yes,  but some thought being a setter was a wuss position and Sugawara was always so nervous about it.

Daichi turned to face the gray haired boy and smiled at him trying to make his love and care for the boy clear. "Suga I would never think of anything negative about you."

When Suga looked up he saw a lustful look in Daichi's eyes. The now setter knew what that meant, Daichi wanted to get home ASAP!

Once the two made it inside Daichi's house. Daichi pushed Suga up against the door in a heated open mouthed kiss.

They didn't always start like this, no usually they'd start in the bedroom but it just felt so needed they couldn't stop. Daichi tugged softly on Suga's shirt implying that he wanted to take it off, stepping away from Suga Daichi lifted the shirt slowly and torturously. Daichi made sure the worn fabric rubbed against Suga's nipples and even made double sure that he would grind slowly into the setter, just to add the special touch ;).

Haikyuu shipping book +_+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon