Bokuto Koutarou X Akaashi Keiji I didn't want to let you go....

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Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou X Akaashi Keiji

Plot: Bokuto and Akaashi have to say goodbye.

Akaashi's pov:

I hate goodbyes, they scare me. Ever since my dad left saying "goodbye" I've hated them, He never not once came back to me, for me. I thought Bokuto understood that, I thought he would never say good bye to me but here he was going on and on about college.

"And Akaashi if you ever miss me don't be afraid to call okay!"

If I ever miss him? Don't tell me that because then I'd be stuck on your number. He's going to college Akaashi he no longer needs you. He's going to a place where he can make out with girls and you are no longer his #1 but his #2 and that's only if you're lucky.

I hate goodbyes why are they good anyway theres no good in it. I don't like them. Bokuto why can't you understand that!

"Akaashi are you going to be okay without me?"

Before I could have the brain to say no, I already chanted a confident yes.

"Bokuto..." It hurts to utter that name almost as if I have nothing to gain, oh my god I hate this pain.

"Yeah Akaashi?"

"You won't forget me right?" Oh Akaashi you stupid boy, of course he'll forget you. He'll dump you just like how your dad did, don't be stupid.

"Of course not Akaashi we can call everynight!" Liar.

It hurts when the principal calls his name. I was there, but I was only there because the principal wanted pictures of all the club members with their repsected upperclassmen. This'll be me next year, I know it will be in one year this will be me but why can't I feel joy?

"AKAAAAAAAGAAAHASHIIIIIIIIIII!" Bokuto shouted at me as he jumped on my back, of course he was heavy so I stumbled he immediately jumped off and waved the diploma in my face. "LOOK WHAT I GOT I'M OFFICIALLY A COLLEGE STUDENT!!!!!!!!!" oh yeah he was.

"Good job Bokuto-san." I mocked his excitment trying to seem happy, he was leaving me, in 8 days he'd be moving to Tokyo to kiss girls and drink me away.

Would I be able to last without him? I don't know anymore.... "Akaashi we're gathering for the group photo..." Yukie called me. I walked over and tried to stay as far away as i could but of course that didn't happen.

Bokuto wrapped his arms around me and squished his cheek up against mine. I tried to ignore it. The thumping in my chest the tingly feeling in my stomach the strange hiccup feeling in my throat. I fought off the blush as I glanced at Bokuto he was smiling so wide that if he were to stick his tongue out it would be on my cheek, dangerously close to my own mou- stop that akaashi, his tongue is going to be down some othergirl's throat in less than 9 days.

*timeskip bokuto leaving*

Bokuto-san: Hey Akaashi you're coming to my farewell party right?

Read 12:03pm

Bokuto-san: Hello? Akaashi the party started a while ago come on!

Read 3:01 pm

Bokuto-san: Hey Akaashi why didn't you come?

Read 8:00 pm

Bokuto-san: You're coming over to see me off right?

Read 8:30 pm

Bokuto-san: Dude where are you?!?!

read 12:00 pm

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