34 ~ 'I felt his lips smile against mine'

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"He's not the friendliest, nor will he put up with anyone that aggravates him. But he'll be an addition you'll quickly grow to admire"
Her phone buzzes in her pocket, the vibrations sending small pulses through her side. "Do you need to get that?" She openly asks. Y/n widens her eyes, a glossy coat discreetly forming as she scans over the particular notification she received. Clearing her throat, "ah, y-yes" she doesn't become annoyed at all, she seems understanding as she replies "go on, we welcome you and Seff, and we'll see you next week" with that said she walks out the room, not giving her a chance to decline. Though she didn't show any sign of it.

As soon as she steps out of the entrance doors she bolts down the path.
She reads through her text again making sure it wasn't just her eyes playing tricks on her, brain processing it wrong whist evading pedestrians walking towards her.

'Nick's been discharged'

It was exactly that.

A single droplet splattered on her screen, spreading to cover it all.
Emitting into a light downpour to begin with quickly diverts into more intense pellets of rain, colliding with every inch of her fur. Everyone once again rushing for shelter, and her stumbling at a corner from the rain below her. Breathing shifted from a regular one, she'd been running a while, full on sprints as she approaches a busy crossing, animals tightly packed together, umbrellas held high, enough for those unfortunate not to have one to be shielded from the rain.

Narrowly avoiding collision as she slips past the last large group, she bites down on her lip in frustration as she comes to a stop in front of the building. Why is she acting she rashly? Racing down like this in such a state, surely there's no rush, it's not as if she's the first one to see him being discharged. There was no need to rush down like this after all.

Unaware of the absent of animals, caught in a trance of her thoughts, she's yet to notice the figure leant against the wall of the entrance, sheltered from the rain, phone in one paw. Yet to notice how close she is to the entrance, but far enough to not recognise the figure.

Y/n's P.O.V

Exhaling, I grip the crumbling plaster coming away from the case of my phone. Back to the entrance, it's only a few meters away, I wonder if Judy's with him, or the Chief. Thoughts disrupted from the sound of the puddles disfiguring from force being applied, a gentle 'splashing' sound.
Turning to see him feet away from me, with that grin I'm so used to.

My frame edges closer from my first step, then fully falling into his outstretched arms. He scoops me in, holding me, feeling my body press in, soft and warm, muscles becoming loose. He looks down at me. Our faces drawing closer, no regret, this will last.

He kissed the droplets from my lips, and I felt his lips smile against mine, sweeping my fur aside. The rain runs down our faces to where our lips meet, pushing his lips more firmly and the wave that runs through me is intoxicating, making my head swim.

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