1 ~ 'You're in trouble little Foxy'

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Readers P.O.V

My jaggered and uneasy breath along with my heavy steps are my main concern. If I allow my breathing to grow more uneasy it won't be so easy to control, resulting in them finding me. My footing is clumsy, attracting a lot of unwanted attention. Must blend in.
Slipping into a closed off ally, I slide past a couple splintering fences, catching my loose jacket on the corner, a distinct rip forms immediately. 'Tch, how annoying, I just bought that' cursing to myself in annoyance. I need to stop getting myself into these situations. It's not that I can't get myself out of it, it's rather I need to stop making so many enemies. You'd be surprised how easy it is to run into them.

And as typical as fate would have it, my steps finish at a chipped dark bricked wall. 'I'm really not in the mood to fight them today, perhaps I could climb over' I ponder this thought for a moment. My sharp senses detect some sound coming from nearby. 'How annoying, they caught up already.' An irritated sigh escapes from my tango pink lips, a faint smile curling from the corner of my mouth.

'Time to play'

Third P.O.V

"There she is! Quick get that little insect" Heavy boots trample over the dust on the uneven ground, an aggravating look in their discoloured eyes. More than a few street wise rhinos appear from the shadows, cracking their knuckles in a way to intimidate the young red fox. Menacing smirks plastered across their rough faces, "How b'out it huh? Come with us so we can talk about our situation, might be possible for you to avoid any harm." The leader of the somewhat 'gang' says, crossing his arms in the process, due to his overconfidence and poor judgment of her, leaving himself wide open. "There's no way out little foxy" another one adds, chewing on a dry bit of grass. She simply looks back at them innocently, opening her mouth slightly. "May I enquire why you just stand there so distrustfully?" Her body sways from side to side as she places her paw on her left cheek, slightly pursing her lips cocking her head to the side. Her eyes locked on them. "And you should really not spout such nonsense, it makes the whole 'tough rhino' act most comical." A slight giggle escapes her lips. The leader furrows his brows "you've got some mouth on ya, us spouting nonsense?" He takes a few steps closer to the red fox, looming over her as dominantly as he dares.

She remains in the same position, not flinching the slightest. "Nonsense yes, wow, you guys sure like to justify what I say."
"I've had enough of your games! We have you cornered, and there's no way to run, don't try to sugar coat it" Leaning closer making his way towards her face, looking upon her attractive features. "Oh but you're mistaken sir" Reaching her paw up to his chest she wraps his checked tie tightly around her hand, she jolts him towards her so his face is directly facing her. "For I only play games with those that know how to play." Her once playful tone gone, replaced with a much more sinister one. The rhino hesitates, gripped in fear of this strange female fox. Her eyes seem to glow a frightening colour, causing her victim to tremble, beeds of sweat dripping down from his face. "Oi boss! What'cha messing about for? Get her" one of them chime, before the rest burst out.
His paralysed body buckles, eyes wandering from left to right, being devoured by extreme embarrassment in front of his gang.

"Enough of this! I have no idea what you've done to him, but perhaps he's not as tough as he makes out if he's scared by a little foxy." A member of the gang retorts. Growing bored of the situation she releases him from her grasp, forcefully shoving him backwards, resulting in him landing painfully on his back. They all take a step back apart from the one who had challenged her, "You worthless scum, I'll show you that she's not so tough" with those words he turns on his heel, charging towards her full force. Anger explicit in his raging eyes.

They all watch in awe, holding their breathes, knowing it's over for her.

However she doesn't comply. Effortlessly dodging him, he plunges into the brick wall at full force. The bricks begin to shake from the force, and one by one fall from their space onto the head of the foolish rhino.
"How unfortunate, it was a nice wall" she looks back to the rest, "anyone else feeling heroic today?" They quickly shake their heads, she smirks, "didn't think so." With that said she steps over the pile of bricks and the rhino, the others whimpering in the corner. "That was handy, thanks for clearing the way for me." Facing them one last time she speaks once again "rather than being a nuisance and getting your butts kicked, why don't you try helping out for once?"
Stealing one last glance at her as she walks away, they hope those words were the last they'll ever hear from her.

Author note -
Thanks for reading 😉 This is the first fan fiction I'm publishing, since whenever I start writing one I always want to finish it before I publish it, so I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here, since I'm going to publish chapter by chapter, making (if anyone is actually reading this) wait 😐 But I'll hopefully try to be consistent with this.

Sorry if it's a bit of a slow start, there will be some Nick x reader action soon, I Just wanted to sort of introduce the character, what did you think of her so far? One side of her. And I apologise for any repetitive grammar or just bad grammar, I just really wanted to write this, fanfics are great! 😂

(Last thing I promise)
Not sure how long to do the chapters so they may either be long, or very short, it depends on how much I can write.

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