15 ~ 'I feel protective of you'

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Many unpleasant out of character experiences occurred back there. A memory can make or break you. Nick managed to calm her screaming, he wasn't going to leave her. Remembering her address he searches through her pocket to find her key, and apartment number. "Let's get you home" bending down as he hauls her up on his back, glancing over to see her sleeping face, her chest rising and falling with the sedative qualities of a lullaby. "What did they do to you in there?" His investigation came with a major plot twist. She's part of this somehow, what happened here years ago, and what is going on now.

A smile creeps onto his face. The warmth of her fur radiates to his back, spreading chills. Her paws dangle loosely in front of his chest, swinging back and forth with his movements as he begins to walk towards the door. Against the traffic He can't hear her breath, yet he feels it. The streets much calmer than earlier he retraces his steps back to the bakery first, the sun slowly creeping back down.

Nick's P.O.V

Over the fall leaves each footstep crackled. Erratic steps of children enjoying the music of their feet. I trudge along the pavement at a sedate pace, my mind focused on the gentle footsteps that seemed to echo throughout the almost desolate street.

The way back to the apartment was silent but nice. I can't involve her in my investigation anymore, it's too risky.
Unlocking the door whilst balancing her on my back causes  me to sway, almost dropping her. Sweat dropping relived I don't. My eyes widen taking in the change of scenery as we enter her apartment. "Y/n" I poke her cheek gently, she murmurs something. So cute. Sighing, I embark to find her room.

Third P.O.V

"I'm sorry you saw that, I was really out of character" her eyes drowsy, she catches his paw before he leaves.
"Y/n you don't need to apologise, from my time working at the ZPD I've seen my fair share of screaming animals" he attempts to lighten the mood "I could tell that place brought back a lot of memories, ones you don't want to remember. I'm sorry for putting you through that" he sinks himself on the edge of the bed next to her.
She shakes her head weakly, "if I had the strength I'd boop your nose" so she instead smiles amiably "It was my choice to follow after you"
"Why did you?"
"Well, who knows what could have been waiting for you, the gang could have changed their schedule, and that place isn't safe" she looks away, "and... For some strange reason I feel protective of you..."

Her words catch him off guard, mind scrambling through trying to process every meaning it could be.

Author note:
Welp! Got to the hotel before more traveling tomorrow. It has wifi, hence why I'm updating since I don't know when I'll have wifi again.

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