12 ~ 'You want my help officer?'

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The rambunctious blaring of the small turquoise alarm clock jarred me out of my peaceful slumber as I jolt up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly can. Then once again it rotates between about six different annoying noises of varying pitch and volume.

My stomach snarled and howled and from it came the not so subtle undertone of pain as I walk into the kitchen. A most usual routine. 'What should I have' I ask myself, crouched in front of the bottom cupboard wide open. Work looms ahead of me today. It's nothing fancy, successful, I couldn't, I have a habit of speaking my mind too much. Yet I don't feel the need to complain, working in a bakery is oddly calming. Perhaps it's the aroma of the freshly baked bread, pastries, the satisfaction of your food cooking to perfection, that golden crispy layer. And the animals I work with are civilised, pleasure fills my mind. It's ideal for my life, calm. Whereas my life outside work can be, let's just say, unpredictable. Not to mention my empty social life. Although... Let's see how long Nick's interest lasts, before he catches a glimpse of a side of me he's doesn't like. They're all the same, it's pathetic really. Maybe I'm a hypocrite. My violent outbursts aren't what you would call friendly, but it's for defence... Most of the time.

After I made my way into the bakery and some small talk off my fellow employees, I go back and change into my uniform. My paw slips though my headpiece, tying the white ribbon to the back. Sliding into my stained apron. "Damn y/n, you just get cuter and cuter in that uniform every time I see you" one of the main bakers pops his head around, he winks, his flirtatious attitude no secret. His bone structure was fine and perfectly symmetrical. It was manly. And as he aged he became all the more striking, especially for lovestruck girls.

I flash him my usual smile, acknowledging him, "and each time I see you in your flirtatious ways, I get closer to wanting to misshape that face you're so proud of." I bend down to pick up some boxes, he laughs nervously, scratching the back of his Nick, NECK! Neck neck!


Shaking off a mysterious faint blush that had sprung on my face. "Ok, ok, I call peace" his paw extended out. I look at it, furrowing one of my brows, "what do you want me to do? I've got my paws full"

Eventually I managed to get away, up front where the bell rings as a customer walks in. Baked cookies tumble over the plate, every kind layer the bakery counter. From white chocolate and macadamia nut right through to sprouted grains and wheat germ, there really is something for everyone. Their aromatic fragrance overpowers every other scent that lingers in the room. Its delectable aroma pervading the air, a melange of honey dew, orange preserves and dabs of crackling nuts. So very tempting to grab and simply indulge in this decadent pleasure, or to merely inhale the gorgeous scent it emanated from its baked, warm depths.

The older customers eyes fixes upon a spot on my apron, her scowl deepening as much as the creases on her brow. Even work clothes were to be clean was how she thought. "I'll take a dozen of the macadamia nut cookies please if you don't mind darling" her particular posh accent causes a smile to tug at the corner of my lips, "of course ma'am." I hand the woman a neatly tied bag with a checked patterned ribbon. Typing the pin into the register, I reach over passing her change. "Have a good day" my voice chimes as she's walking away.

Some hours pass, then some more. It's my lunch break. I pull out my phone to be greeted by a new notification popping up. 'Hm?'

Nick - Where are you right now?

Leaning against some boxes I grin to reveal straight, pearly white teeth.
I type a quick reply, hitting send.

Y/n - Working

Nick - Can I see you?

'He wants to see me?'

Y/n - Why?

Tapping my paw eagerly awaiting his reply.

Nick - Can I ask a favour?

Y/n - Depends what it is


The texting' bubble disappears. I wait for a few moments, before sighing in defeat. My patience is pushed aside, for some reason I'm too eager to see him.

Y/n - It's the bakery near the coffee shop we were at the other day. Bold verdant building, you can't miss it.

Nick - thanks for that, I'll see you soon. I knew you wanted me to come really ;)

A winking face, really Wilde?

Slipping out the staff entrance at the back, I perch upon some small pillars in hope of finding a red fox amongst the crowd. I spot him come to view, with that I jump down to the ground, going back inside.

The bell rings again, a sound we've all grown accustomed to. "Welcome"
I look over to him as he comes closer, I study each step. Looking at him from across the counter, glass in between us, I can see my reflection staring back at me in his darkened sunglasses.  "Y/n?" His voice brings me back to reality, "what can I get you?"
"Your time? How well do you know the area?" He takes off his shades, revealing his emerald orbs. His request puzzles me, "very well, how can I be of help?"
"Well, you know this area better than me, I could use your insight, only if you agree" he looks hopeful, must be stuck.
"You want my help officer?"
He laughs, "putting it honestly, yeah"

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