25 ~ 'Trust me'

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Her lips draw away from his. His breathing slows down to a regular pace. The antidote slithers down, absorbing into his blood. It reacts instantly, as he tries to speak what comes out is no more than air. She sees the pain in his eyes. Her emotions turn jagged, insides tighten. And then there are hot tears, ones they will never see, falling fast and thick onto his cheek. She feels the wetness on her own, and each drop as it emerges from open eyes. He covers his mouth with his paw, concealing the sound from his tears. Tears tracing down his cheeks. He blinked briny tears from bloodshot eyes. Red, tear rimmed eyes stare back at her, feeling a stinging in her nose, throat starting to tighten.

Never has she ever felt these feelings for someone, pure relief coursing through her veins, lips still tingling. His pain dimming. Emotions had engulfed him. She helps his shaking legs sturdy, slowly lifting him up, his arm over her shoulder. Supporting him as he takes a few unsteady steps before turning into a slow walk. His lips remain tightly shut, cheeks tinted a light shade of pink.

The blaring lights of the sirens approach the manor. Rapidly making their way in, ensuring all the animals are out. In the distance they notice two figures, one supporting the other. The Chief runs over with the two detectives. "Are you two alright?" Opals voice full of concern for their well being. "I'm fine. But he's been hurt" taking them over to the medics on standby. All she can do is watch as they examine him.
Her anger is still there. 'This isn't over'
"Will he be ok?" Her focus on him, the Chief attempts to reassure her, "he will" she was hoping for those words, she knows he would be honest with her. "Good" she turns to leave.
"Where are you going?" Calling out, causing her to stop and turn back to him. "It's a hunch"
"And what exactly is that?"
"My hunch is that two sick bastards are about to catch a glimpse of death" Clenching her paws, the wind blows past them both, lifting the hem of her dress slightly  "We have officers searing for them-" cutting him mid sentence she continues. "I'm sure, but come on, I've never been one to respect the law... I'm stronger than I look" facing him her fur dancing to the side "don't make the mistake of underestimating me"

"Y-Y/n!" A sharp crack in his voice, she whips her head to face Nick, "w-what are you doing?" She smirks at his question. "I don't know if you saw what happened back there, but I'll be back, wait for me" the last time those words where transferred were from him, and it didn't end well for him. "Y-You can't- I'll come with-" placing her index finger of her paw onto his lips, she shakes her head, "trust me"
He stares into her eyes, they shine with determination. She'd always had captivating eyes. "I'm pretty well known, you wouldn't have guessed that would you?" Her attempt to lighten the mood doesn't change. If only his body wasn't too weak to stand he would have grabbed her right there, not letting her go.

Before any more words are exchange she bolts down the path, disappearing into the trees.

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