He called Josh. he had enough time to get the information.

Josh entered Christopher's room the second time for the day.

"Did you get?"

"Yes my prince." he handed Christopher a large folder. Christopher searched through the folder looking for one person and when his eyes met her face he stopped. He watched the pitcher as if it was the greatest thing he has ever seen.

"Is it okay if I ask who she is?" Josh said behind him.

If it was anyone else he would of punishing them for being noisy but he and josh went way back and he consider him a close friend.

"I don't want my father to find out about her yet so please don't tell anyone else what I'm going to tell you."

"I promise on my life I will not tell a soul."

"She is my mate."

Josh mouth opened wide.

"You found her? When?"

Christopher couldn't stop the smile that came on his face just remembering meeting here at first.

"Yes I really found her. I found her last night."

"She already has a hold on you Christopher," he said with a slight joke to his tone. He most of notice Christopher smile.

"She has I can't stop think about her that's why I need to know everything about her."

"Her hold background and everything is in the folder." Josh said before saying bye and leaving.

Christopher went though the folder .his mate name is Dianna. She is truly royalty he thought. The file said her real mother die but she was adapted by a human couple so she was raise in the human world that is why she screamed last night she should feel the bond. But since she wasn't raise in a supernatural environment she doesn't know about mates. He wasn't ready to claim her as his yet but he at least wanted to play with his mate.

He put down the folder and got dress so he could leave. He had a plan to get into his mate apartment.

His mate lived with two females. A werewolf called Kelly and a human girl called Ashley. he could see his mates wasn't the kind of girl that would bring people to her home and he doubt she would be leaving her house at night after what happen last night . So his only choice was to try to get to the human Ashley. He watched as she walked out a cafe. So he followed her.


"hi." she said turning around.

When she saw his face her eyes light up he was really an eye candy.

"I saw you back there and I couldn't make a beauty like you pass."Christopher said.

He talked to her as they walked. She never stops smiling but Christopher only had one person on his mind.

He walked her to her apartment room.

"Would you like to come in?"


She smiled and drag him in. the apartment was small but how much space can three girls need. As he enter his mate and the werewolf girl was in the chair. The werewolf girl got up in a defensive form.

"Ashley who is that and why did you bring him in here?" Kelly said really angry.

"Why you behaving so I can have a friend over."

"No he is no friend get rid of him."

"Kelly stops behaving like that he is my friend."

She then looks on me with disgust.

"If you hurt my friend I will kill you."

"Kelly you over did it."

"Christopher its okay just goes to my room I'll be right with you."

"Where is your room?" I asked.

"Right over there." she point.

He realizes his mate never stopped looking at him.

When his eyes met hers it was an instant connection and even Kelly could see it between them. Kelly let out an animalistic growl to warn him. He could see she was even more protective over his mate that her other fiend he wondered why.

He walked into the room Ashley showed him.

Ashley joined him shortly after he wanted to get out this room but he knew he had to stay until he got the chance to see his mate.

"I'm sorry for my friend behaviour she doesn't normally behave like that,"

"It's okay," he said.

She then walked up to him slowly. She touched his cheek. He wanted to back away but he knew it would look bad. She tiptoed to and began to kiss him it was completely distasteful to him but he still respond. . She locked the door behind her and depend the kiss. She tried to lift his shirt but then was when he drew the line. He wasn't going to have sex with her he could only imagine the pain he could cause his mate so close and having sex with someone else.

"No I can't do this I'm not the kind of person that has sex just as I meet someone I want to know you not just to have sex with you. Let us talk first." Christopher said.

Ashley smiles.

"You're really something special." Ashley said jumping on her bed.

Christopher sat there and they talked until Ashley fell asleep. When Christopher was sure she was fast asleep he sneaks out the room.

He was in luck since his mate was in the kitchen looking for a late night snack.

He walked up behind her. The closer he came is the stronger the bond pull him and at that moment he decided he want her. He wanted to claim her as his right away. He could feel his fangs extending by just look at the soft skin of her neck.

"Hi," he said.

She jumped up as if she saw a ghost.

"You can't just come up behind people like that." she turned around angry.

He couldn't help smiling when he saw her cute pout.

"Sorry I was just kind of hungry and was wondering if you would help me with that."

"ummmm yeaa surree." she stutter.

He took steps closer, and she stepped back when her back was on the counter he stepped closer to her. Her breath hitches as he came closer. His breath was fanning her lips. He knew she wanted it as much as he did. When their lips where just about to touch he heard a growl behind them.

Christopher was beyond angry at the mute interruption. He didn't want anything more than to rip her apart.

"Goodnight," Dianna said walking away quickly.

"You need to keep away from her before I rip off your head,"

Christopher laughed at the mot words do she really think she can take on the prince of vampires.

"Stop laughing leach."

Christopher was tired of giving her chances with his vampire speed he showed up in front of Kelly before she could blink he heal her neck tightly .

"Listen pup don't you ever threaten me again next time I won't be so merciful/" he said dropping her on the ground.

Kelly struggled to get air into her lungs as she coughed.

"I'll be making my leave." Christopher said before leaving.  

What am I ?  {book 3 of Rejected By My Own Kind But Accepted By The Enemy }Where stories live. Discover now