Prologue- The Birth of the Dawn Realm

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 Legends speak of the Two Celestial, Divine brothers born from the same dimensional egg within the emptiness of the void.

The Great Chimera Dragon; His body rumoured to be made the parts of every animal in existence, a marvellous cluster of Fauna

And the Grand Serpentine Dragon; with 4 wings and 6 legs, his scales were rumoured to glisten with all colours you could possible imagine and infinitely more!

The two brothers wandered the void for countless millennia, together. Their bond was stronger than Diamonds. They loved each other dearly, so much so that they would gladly give up their lives for each other.

One day, they discovered they both an amazing gift; the Power of Creation.

During their experiments of their new-found powers, they decided to combine their strengths and create a masterpiece. From their combined strength, the Dawn Realm was created.

Over the following hundreds of thousands of years, they sculpted the land. Moulding the mountains to reach high into the sky, and within their rocky core was a surplus of beautiful minerals and jewels. Carving the deserts from the rocks and crystals of the mountains. Forming the rivers and endless oceans. They painted the night sky; an ocean of black obsidian with crystal powder sprinkled to form the starts. From the empty barren land, they created the forests and jungles with the trees sporting leaves sporting various colours; from red to orange, yellow to green, blue to purple and pink. The grass planes formed in the lands where trees couldn't stand, flowers instead took their place and bloomed with glorious life! With fiery passion for creation in their hearts they carved the Volcanoes to burn and burst with colour and power! When their eyes felt heavy and they thought of their slumber, they created the snow regions with fluffy snow as a blanket for the earth, and ice crystals and snowflakes to float down from the heavens.

They created the winds and the rains. The bursts of electricity to strike through the cloudy sky. Sun to shine and warmth the land, blizzards and cold winds to cool the land. They created a beautiful Violet Sun to bask the world with warm light during the day, then move past the cover of the horizon to rest and allow the world to rest under the cover of darkness.

Some say that when the wind whistles its soft melody- it is the voice of the Grand Serpentine singing with delight.

To mark the completion of their project they each created a silver moon and placed it in the sky amongst the stars as like a signature. They also gave special names to the moons. The Grand Serpentine named his moon Skoll, and the Great Chimera named his Hati

They were proud of the beautiful masterpiece

However, there was something missing

Over time, The Great Chimera and the Grand Serpentine took a long break from using their powers and sit back to enjoy their hard work.

But the Chimera Dragon felt inspired to create one last thing to add on to their art.

Without his brother's knowledge or consent, the Chimera created the Fauna. Animals of all different shapes sizes, and regional variants. Thousands and thousands of different kinds, each individual unique.

He allowed these creatures to walk upon their world and live.

The Chimera was proud of this creation


When his brother became aware of this new creation he became furious! How dare his brother allow these parasites to set foot on their perfect world

These animals weren't worthy to live in such a beautiful world, in his eyes. He was insulted by the way these creatures took advantage of the world they created by tampering with the environment; drinking the water, digging holes and tunnels as 'their' homes, eating the plants. The Realm was like a Trophy; showing effort and dedication, being kept safe and beautiful. The Serpentine Dragon saw these new living creatures as like dust and dirt; making the Trophy messy, dented, scratched and dull.

He confronted his brother and demanded him to remove the Diverse Life he had created

When the Chimera refused, they unknowingly created something else;


The next few centuries were stained with the violent conflict of the two divine brothers.

Their battle brought destruction on their beautiful land.

Their battle raged on, seemingly endless for hundreds of years

until finally the Great Serpentine struck down his brother and finally ended the battle...

The Serpentine emerged victorious.

However, the consequences of their thousands year feud now was becoming apparent to the Serpentine.

The beautiful world they lovingly created together was tainted. Stained with hatred and violence. Desolation filled the land. Death claimed the lives of more than half the population of the Life. The forests were burned to ash, the oceans were murky and sour, the mountains were cracked and crumbled, and the skies were grey and motionless; no wind blew

And the Serpentine was wounded, both physically and emotionally. he couldn't live in the world he had ruined.

On top of that the Serpentine grieved the death of his brother. He missed him. His death tore the Serpentine apart

He no longer had the heart nor strength to recreate and repair the damaged world. His heart was drained of any love, compassion or empathy.

Both he and the Dawn Realm was broken

Centuries of mourning and sorrow later, the Serpentine planned to fix what he had broken. He would destroy his physical form and transfer his strength to the realm, so it could have the power to heal and have a chance to regain its former beauty. He realised the amazingness of the diverse life his brother created, and he realised why his brother loved his creation so dearly he'd give his life to save. He wanted to make it even, so he would give his life so that many others could live, just as his brother had done so.

The Serpentine divided his soul into billions of fragments and from these soul fragments, he created his descendants; The Serpentine Dragons.

And he tasked these new creatures with the role of protecting the Dawn Realm, and never allow it to see the destruction it had already endured.

And so, the legend goes.

(BY THE STARS BATMAN this took a long time. I started this story in January, it's now near November. And this is only the first volume! I still have the second to write. But i'm taking a break. I need motivation. I need encouragement to refuel my creative writing. 

Also please don't spam me with messages saying I made a grammar error. Yes someone has done it before. and it's a pain in the arse! I do appreciate the help. but please put it all in ONE MESSAGE, not 50!

Thank you.

As for upload schedule. I don't know.. maybe once or twice a week a new chapter will come out. If I went a week or more without updating, one of my friends please remind me on skype XD

Well. Enjoy))

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