"That's funny, but no, I'm not going to because I'm not you and you're not Liam. So there's no reason for me to call your parents to take care of something I'm completely capable of doing on my own."

Zayn rolled his eyes and looked out the window instead of replying to her.

"You've got two options. Throw it out yourself, or keep on smoking and make your health worse to the point you may never see Liam again since you won't be any help to him whatsoever."

Zayn didn't say a word and simply put out the cigarette in the ash tray he had next to him.

"Now, since you refuse to help your husband out, why don't you try helping yourself out then?"

"What do you mean?"

"Go back to the states. Go back to that mental institution you were in and-"

Zayn quickly turned to glare at her but Eleanor held out her hand to let her continue.

"And figure out how that Ruby girl found your address. Because you're clearly not thinking about anything other than that, if not you wouldn't have sent Liam away, don't you think?"

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Know me so well, and know what I'm thinking"

"I like to think that I was your conscious in another life time."

"You're honestly weirder than Harry sometimes"

"We're neighbors, the day I don't seem him or hang out with him is the day Louis has finally seen the light and realized no one deserves to be tortured this much by his giraffe of a boyfriend"

Zayn chuckled a bit before thinking about whether or not he should do what Eleanor said.

"Fine, I'll go. But no one can know, do you understand?"

"My lips are sealed." Eleanor said making the gesture as she was zipping her lips shut.

"Zayn! We have visitors!"

Both Eleanor and Zayn frowned before making their way downstairs, only to be met with Niall and Chris.

"Woah, what are you two doing here!" Zayn smiled as he hugged them both.

"Heard Liam and you weren't doing so great and decided it was time to come and see ya" Niall said patting Zayn's back. "Plus, Harry asked that we make sure the diamond and whatever centerpieces made it here on time and intact? Can you believe he actually got them custom made in Ireland?"

"You did what?!" Louis screeched from the kitchen, followed by a "I can explain" from Harry.

Niall cringed before Chris hit him in the shoulder, "He told us Louis didn't know, you idiot"

"I forgot!"

Chris shaked his head before looking at Zayn, "How have you been?"

"Okay I guess, gonna do some traveling to keep my mind off things"

"Traveling? Where to?"

"The states. Going back to see Ruby"

"You mean the creepy stalker girl from the mental institution you were in?"

Eleanor gave Niall a look before he realized what he said before apologizing.

"I told you not to say anything"

"I forgot, I'm sorry!"

"Who else knows Eleanor?" Zayn asked turning to look at her.

"Well, there's you, Niall, Chris, Harry, Louis and myself. Basically everyone here, except Liam."

Zayn sighed and rubbed his temples before walking away. "One of these days, I'm getting rid of all of you"

"When are you gonna go?" Chris asked as he follows Zayn and sat down on the opposite end of the couch, followed by Niall and Eleanor who sat down on the other one. Harry and Louis walking into the living room seconds later to sit on the floor.

"This week maybe, I want to get it done as soon as possible you know?"

Chris nodded, "What if I come with you?"

"Why would you want to come with me?"

"Kinda wanna know what this girl is up to and aside from everyone in this room, I'm the only one who isn't busy for the next six to seven months."

"If you're up for it, then sure why not." Zayn shrugged before continuing, "But Liam cannot know about this, understand?" He said mostly directing it at Eleanor.

"Okay okay, geez, you let one thing slip once and you're suddenly the group snitch"

"What about that one time you told us all Harry had ripped his jeans back in high school?" Niall asked

"Or the time you said Liam was too chicken to ask Zayn out so you literally had to write down what he had to say?" Louis chimed in

"Or what about when you told us that-"

"Okay! I get it! Shut up already!" She said interrupting Harry, making everyone laugh to which she just groaned at.

"See, this is why you must keep your mouth shut, Eleanor" Zayn said smiling at her.

"I will, geez."

Zayn wasn't sure if going to see Ruby was the best thing at the moment, but it would truly keep him occupied while Harry found someone to re-evaluate Liam and made sure that he was truly doing okay and that Dr.Villa lied about Zayn being the reason Liam wasn't getting better. So, until then, Zayn was going to head out to the states with Chris to try to figured out what Ruby wants.


Okay so I tried to make this chapter somewhat happy since the others have been nothing but depressing.

Now, onto the shout out: This week's and first ever shout out, goes to MaureenSmart ♥️ Thank you for being supportive and very kind, love your comments by the way!

I will give another shout out to someone different next Friday, just to show my appreciation and love towards you all.

So, I said I had an announcement to make which required help from you guys. Basically, a new character is going to be introduced soon, but I would love it if you guys helped out with that. Meaning, you have the opportunity to help me create a new character for the story.

All you have to do is message me with details of the character you've created, for example;
-Their name and gender
-Physical characteristics (you may include a picture if you'd like)
-A short background story on them
-How you think they should be a part of the story (even though I've already have some ideas but would love to hear yours)

And that's it, anything else you may want to add is absolutely okay with me as well.

I'm giving you all two weeks, so on November 3rd, I will be announcing which character I've chosen (if people actually submitted ideas of course, if no one did then there's no use of announcing it) and who created them.

I just think it's a fun idea, and get you guys involved in the story, you know? So if you want to help out, I'm more than happy to see what you can come up with! That is all!

Thank you and hope you guys actually participate, I would appreciate it so much.

Love you!

Georgina xx

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