I laughed, and we walked still Jack behind me until Sammy passed by.

We looked at each other, and he saw me laughing with Jack.

I must've hurt his feelings, cause he just made a disgusted face and rolled his eyes.

I ignored him, and went on with Jack.


I was disgusted by her now.

All this time, Jack hasn't even spend time with us cause of her.

He would not come out of the room at any time.

Even when it was dinner time, he was never there.

I just hate the fact that she's changing him. He's not the same anymore.

And I hate her for that. She can't be with him. But I also love her still.

I could treat her better for that.

I could take her out and fill the pages of stamps on my passport just to see her happy.

I would spoil her anytime she needed or not needed something.

I would kill for her. I would leave the gang and change, and show her how much i love her.

I would show her what's really love like than Jack just taking her virginity away and then talking sweet to her.

Oh, yeah I heard them having sex the other day I passed.

Next thing you know, he's gonna leave her heartbroken and shattered.

Honestly, I already had a proposal ring just for her. To marry me and live happily ever after.

But when she broke up with me, It didn't matter anymore. Just something so sour and acid that hit me badly.

I threw the ring at a river, and let it flow down to who ever needed it for real.

It didn't matter to me anymore.

But I still love her and never will stop.

Making me think of this, just made me get out a blunt while I sat with the boys.

"Are you seriously gonna smoke your life away everytime you think about her?" Nate asked while he smoked a blunt as well.

He knows me too well when I think about her. Only making me high, makes me forget about her.

For a while though.

"What's the point? She doesn't love me anymore. And she won't love me because she's with Jack. And cause I hid myself being in a gang." I said, inhaling the smoke and exhaling blowing it out.

"Then forget about her. Bros before - "

"Hey, don't say it cause she's not one. You only call every girl that, cause you never been in love." I told him.

"Oh, trust me I have before. But after that, I just stopped believing in fairy tales." He said smoking a blunt.

"I would give you advice on getting her back, but it seems like she's really in love with him. I mean look at them, they're always together, they're always in their room doing God-knows-what, and they're always close together. And out of the blue, Jack just started hanging out with her when the last time they fought, was at the storage room when she got caught and after they acted like nothing happened." Johnson said.

I sighed running my hands down my face, and threw the finished blunt next on the coffee table.

I started feeling better and cozy, and rolled up another one.

Hours later, I rolled another one. And another one. I didn't really care right now around me. I just wanted to go to another planet and be just me.

I felt my eyes heavy and red until Nate snatched my 3rd, 4th, I don't know blunt.

"Dude, you needa chill out. You never smoked like this. You finna overdose. I know what could make you feel a whole lot better." He said whistling.

I see a bunch of lingerie girls, strutting towards me.

I didn't know what was going on, so I just laughed and enjoyed the blurry view.


Much love, Stephanie

behind the man - j.g - completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora