When did Damian become excitable?

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Requested By: HaydenC1

Pairing: Bat family x reader

Prompt: Batmom! Reader is Bruce's wife and is pregnant. The boys are excited to have another sibling.

"Bruce, I'm not sure this is a great idea. I'm scared about their reactions. What if they hate the idea of having another sibling?" I rambled on to Bruce about all the possibilities of what could go wrong. We descended from the stairs, walking towards the living room.

Nerves hit me like a slam from Bane, as I entered the living room to see my boys playing a video game. Smiling, they whipped their heads around to face Bruce and I.

"Hey Ummi, father, what brings you to us?" Damian asked as he stood up from the couch. Bruce guided me further into the room as the others stood up.

"Um...we have some news which is going to change all our lives." They gasped at my comment.

"Are you leaving?"

"You're dying?"

"You've cheated?"

"No. No and definitely not!" I answered all their questions before revealing the matter, "I'm pregnant and you guys are going to be older brothers to a baby girl or boy." I finally informed them. Silence filled the room before Dick swept me off my feet and laid me on the couch.

"Ma, you need to rest. If you need anything, call us 'cause you seriously need rest." Jason instructed me causing me and Bruce to chuckle.

"Boys, I'm three weeks pregnant. I appreciate the protective side of all of you but I'm pretty sure it's a bit too soon to be putting me on bed rest." I chuckled as they shook their heads.

"Ummi, I can't wait to be an older brother. I can teach him or her how to use a katana and protect them from bullies who pester them." Damian growled at the last thought.

"When did Damian become excitable?" Jason asked as Damian growled. Let's say Dick, Bruce, Tim and I had to separate them before another vase gets broken.

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