Jason Todd x reader

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Requested by: Animelover6858

Prompt: The reader is friends with Jason until his death. The reader's reaction of handling it.

Warning: Contains explicit language/swears

Y/n's pov

I stood upon my friends grave:

Here lies Jason Peter Todd
Age 13
Beloved son, beother
And friend

My tears blurred my vision as I felt a hand being placed against my shoulder. Looking up, I saw the sympathetic look Bruce was giving me.

He knew that Jason told the family secret. I knew about how he truly died. The Joker. That crazed son of a bitch deserves to die for killing my friend.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. If only I got there sooner, he wouldn't-" Bruce tried to explain, but I waved it off. It wasn't his fault, it was Ra's' and Joker's fault.

"Bruce, it wasn't your fault. Is Ra's wanted you that bad, the Joker wasn't his best option. Plus, we know how the Joker works." I reansure him. He nods before leaving.

I stood there, the bouquet of wilting flowers. The graveyard was empty. Just me and a bunch of graves, all the Wayne family was here; including Thomas and Martha Wayne. Placing the flowers down, I whispered,

"Jason, my friend, we have been through hell together. We practically grew up on the streets. You saved me from dying, and visa versa. Joker will pay for what he has done!" Tears streamed down my face, as I turned to leave the graveyard.

1 year later

The past year has been depressing. I felt into depression and my foster family didn't like it. The send me away, only to have Bruce let me stay at the manor.

I get bullied at school and tormented about his death. A whole fucking year since Jason died. Bruce found a replacement though, his name's Tim Drake. He watched his father and mother die, only because he searched too deep into cases.

Anyways, Bruce got my therapy and it's worked a bit. Not much, just a bit. I have a plan, a plan to bring the Joker down....


Two years after Jason's death

Things have got better. Tim's part of the young justice team, whilst Dick moved to Blüdhaven.

The Manor is now peaceful, yet I miss Jason. There's a new vigilante in town by the name of (Awesome cool vigilante name). Yep, you guessed it, I am her. Not even Bruce has figured that out.

I've got my own base and everything. Just to think that I was depressed at the ages of thirteen and fourteen, now I'm fifteen and an unknown vigilante to Gotham.

Three years after Jason's death

Three fucking years and Joker's been in and out of Arkham. Guns are my weapons now. I've been so close to killing that bastard but Bruce got in the way.

He finally figured out who my alter ego was. May I just say he wasn't too happy. He gave me a fucking lecture on gun safety and lethal bullets. For fuck sakes.

Four years after Jason's death

I'm seventeen now, Bruce has finally approved of me being a vigilante. He also welcomed me into the young justice team with Tim and Dick. I felt somewhat happy.

Met new people, yet I was able to keep the guns. For some reason, I felt like I was being watched; like someone wanted to talk to me but didn't have the guts to.

I went onto college which I found useful to some degree. I only wish Jason was here.

Five years after Jason's death

I've moved out of the manor. Too many memories of Jason. I guess I'm in the last stage of Grief; acceptance, yet I don't accept that he's dead.

There's a new villain in town; name's The Arkham Knight. I wonder who he could be.

I'm thinking of doing a part 2. What do you guys think? Also, requests are still open.

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