Damian Wayne x Reader

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Requested by: SirKekserlord

Prompt: Damian and the reader are best mates, yet love each other as more. They don't have the guts to tell them. Dick, Jason and Tim come up with an embarressing way to tell them that they love each other.

Y/n's pov

I was playing video games with Colin and my best friend, Damian. I was winning in Mortal Kombat when Damian destroys me, a smirk placed on his face.

"Hey! I was winning! No fair!" I yelled, chucking a pillow at him. Instead, Colin gets him. I start laughing my ass off as Damian chuckles. Colin gets up dramatically before leaving.

Damian Wayne has been my friend since he saved me from the bullies in Gotham Academy. Over the three years, I've known him, I've developed a massive crush on him. I know he doesn't like me back but hope's still there.

"Um...I have to go." I stutter out before walking out.

Damian's pov

I watched as (y/n) left my room. Secrets revealed, I have a crush on my best friend. I was always afraid that I would get hurt by people, causing me not to have these romamtic feelings but (y/n)...

(Y/n)'s (h/c) hair glissens in the wind, her (c/e) eyes light up my path in the dark. Her personality is amazing, I don't deserve her.

I gaze out the window, watching her walk away from the manor.

Dick's pov

I watched the expressions on both, (y/n) and Damian's faces disappear. Ah, young love.

"Golden boy, you have a plan?" Jason asked me. I glared at him then it turned into a smirk.

"To right I have a plan." I said. Tim and Jason huddled around, whispering.

----time skip. Damian's birthday----

Third person

The fifteen year old boy watched the random class mates dance in the party room. Damian slumped in his seat. His gaze focused on (y/n), who had entered the room.

Her dress clung to her curves. His frown formed into a smirk as he got up. Multiple female classmates threw themselves at Damian, but none of them interested Damian like (y/n).

She walked over to him, kissing his cheek.

"Happy birthday, Dami." She smiled at him before handing Damian his present. A rectangular shaped box, wrapped in a blood splotch wrapping paper.

"Designed it yourself, beloved." She blushed at the word 'beloved', but nodded.

Dick, Jason and Tim thought that now was their chance. They walked onto the stage, each with a microphone.

"Hey everyone, as you may know, we're Damian's older brothers." Jason started.

"We thought it would be a good idea for us to reveal our present to him now." Tim said.

"With the help of Bruce, Talia and two other people, who are annonimous, we came up with this power point." Dick finished. The lights dimmed and the projector turned on.

There were adorable baby photos of Damian. (Y/n) smiled and tried to hold back her laughter, whilst Damian's face turned red from embarressment. He glared at his three brothers, who just pointed to the power point.

There were pictures of another baby. (Y/n) to be precise. She looked up to see them, causing her to bury her face into Damian's chest. He held her tight whilst smirk and sometimes chuckling.

The end slide read:

"For fuck sakes, will you two just go out!" Probably from Jason. Underneath, there were more messages.

'Jason, language!'

"Tim's got a point, Jaybird."

"Does it look like I give a fuck?"


(Y/n) and Damian burst out laughing at the conversation. The attention turned to them.

"(Y/n), be my girlfriend?" Damian asked, sweat started to appear on his face.

"Yes!" She smiled and he pulled her close to her. Cheers erupted around the room.

He bent down and their lips connected. They move in sync until Jason coughed.

"Keep it PG, please. Kids are in the room." He gestured towards Tim, who punched him in the face.

The two lovebirds burst out laughing.

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