Dogsitting love

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Requested By: kristy-kun

Pairing: Tim Drake x reader x Titus

Prompt: The reader offers to dog-sit Titus with Tim. Titus has to get use to girls until he becomes best friends with the reader. Tim gets jealous that Titus gets all the reader's attention.

"I don't mind dog-sitting Titus, Damian. I love dogs!" I offered as Damian gave me a shocked expression. Guess he didn't see that coming.

"Erm, sure (L/n)..." He spoke with a bit off confusion as he handed me Titus' leash along with a small suitcase full of his stuff. The Wayne's were going on holiday, meaning I wouldn't see my friend, Tim for a while.

I observed as they drove towards the airport. This week is going to be the best.

---A week time skip ---

Sitting on the steps of the manor, I rubbed the back of  Titus' neck as he was drifting off to sleep. The boys were meant to be back three hours ago but no, no sign of them. A rumbling of a car brought my thought out of this zone out world.

Titus barked and ran up to Damian, who gave him a long hug. On the other hand, I strolled over to Tim, hugging him.

"It's been a while, Tim." I smiled as he hugged back. Pulling away, Titus pawed at my smooth leg, trying to grab my attention. Kneeling down, I petted his head as he ran inside with me trailing behind him.

"(Y/n), do you want to talk about that new book that's come out?" Tim timidly asked. I nodded with a smile before someone started to pull my long sleeve away from Tim. Glancing down, I chuckled at Titus at his attempts.

"Stupid mutt taking my friend's attention." I heard Tim curse under his breath. My gaze met his as a smirk formed on my face.

"You're jealous of a dog, Tim!" I laughed as he became flustered.

"N...No I'm not!" Tim protested as his cheeks turned a faint pinkish colour from embarrassment.

"Are too." I smiled as I skipped off, Titus running off in front of me.

"(Y/N)!" Tim shouted as he sprinted after me. Oh boy was he in for some lifetime teasing.

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