Madness from another universe

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Requested By: Dahvie_Thorn

Pairing: Dick Grayson x reader

 Prompt: Lost girl from another universe. However, she's the Joker's long lost daughter.

Where am I? I was in my home and now, I'm in a city where it's gloomy. How the hell did this happen?

Anyways, I'm wandering through an alleyway, bad idea. Some thugs held me at gun, causing me to coware in fear.

"Give us all ya money, pretty lady." Thug numero uno demanded.

"I...I don't have any." I whimper in fear.

"Well, we have other ideas." Thug two smirked as he advanced forward towards me. Before he laid a hand on me, he was thrown against the wall. I let a scream out as the first one advanced. A mysterious man in black and blue spandex landed in front of me. The thug stumbled back before sprinting away.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" He asked as he turned to face me. Rapidly, I shook my head. He gently place his gloved hand on my shoulder before pulling me close to him. Next thing I know is that my face is buried in his chest and I'm flying. Everything turns black.

"Who is she? Joker isn't meant to have a daughter, Dick. Who the hell is she?" A deep voice yelled at this 'Dick' character. Groaning, I slowly open my eyes, causing all attention to be on me. Some were sympathetic, some were glares and others were emotionless. Wait...there's Batman, and Wonder Woman and Flash! But...they're only in the comics, right?

"Nice cosplays. You look exactly like the Justice League. The personality and acting is amazing!" I speak up, earning confused looks.

"Wait...this isn't Kansas anymore." I mumble to myself. Nightwing wanders over and sits next to me.

"Tell us what happened apart from the attempted mugging." Nightwing told me in a calm voice.

"I...I was at home with my ma when a thunderstorm hit out town. Next thing I know is that I'm near the alleyway." I explained everything to him, saves them time with the interrogation.

"What about a father in your life?" Batman queried.

"Never knew him but my ma told me that he was a comedian. However, she said that he died because of an overdose." I explained. It was true. I never knew my father but apparently he made many laugh.

"From a DNA test, it came out as your mother as a Michelle Ledger and The Joker." Batman informed me...That;s right. According to Ma, Dad played the Joker in the Dark Knight Rises. After researching stuff on him, I found out that my Dad was called Heath Ledger.

"You mean Heath Ledger, right? He played The Joker in the Dark Knight." I questioned with my curiosity about to get me into a depth worth salvaging.

"No, the Joker. Psychotic clown who is a maniac." Nightwing explained.

"Well...I think I might need to elaborate on that." I explained. Maybe I am madness from another universe.

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