Cassandra Cain x Reader

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Y/n pov

As I entered Wayne Manor, I noticed Dick and Jason were arguing again over a stupid video game. Great...the boys are at it again.

I came here to visit my brother's girlfriend and my best friend, Cassandra Cain. She's mute.

"Hey (y/n)" Dick chirped from the couch.

"Hey Dickie." I smiled back. Jason just pouted. Since I was the same age as Dick and Jason (they are the same age in this), I guessed that they had a crush on me. They acted weird when I am around.

Running up the stairs, I ran past Tim, making his papers fly.

"Sorry!" I apologuised until I fell onto the floor. Looking up, I noticed that Cass was chuckling silently at me.

She signed 'hi' to me and I nodded. We became friends when my brother became mute. He started writing down about this girl and how she was amazing. He brought her home the next day to visit. That's when we clicked and became the bestest of friends.

She even signed to me and Kaden, my brother, that she was the Black Bat.

'How are you (y/n)?' She signed.

"I am well...I am fine. How are you though?" I questioned as I jumped up from the ground.

'I am well...the same.' We both chuckled and sat down.

I remember her texting to me that she was the daughter of two major assassins in Gotham. Luckily, Bruce Wayne adopted her when he found her.

'How's Kaden? I haven't seen him in a while.'

"He is fine...I guess. I mean, he's a horny teenager but that's natural, I guess." We both burst out laughing our butts off when Damian walked in, glaring at us.

"TT. What is (l/n) doing here, Cain?" Damian rudely asked.

"I'm here to visit my friend, Damian." I replied.

"I was asking Cain...not you (l/n)." Damian resorted before leaving the room.

"Well...this is going to be interesting. Seeing as Kaden is meeting your family today." I informed her. She just nodded.

Hopefully, he'll survive.

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