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“He must have been headed east” Yoesphin said when she felt for his footprints down the path to the Berdea lake. We were quick to take our things and some weapon earlier. Phee had insisted to come along, since Tom was a dear friend for her. Nicholas didn't want us to go alone, even if Yoesphin was a terrific tracker. “You might need someone to defend you from monsters” He'd said and flexed his muscles to show his strength. “If you believe so” Yoesphin had answered amused while I laughed at him.

“Well, let's go” Phee said and pushed us forward down the small path into the forest.

“Take it easy. We don't know how far he has walked” I said and tried to slow her pace. I kept my bow on my back along with the arrows. Nicholas held a steady hand on his sword in its husk. We walked in silence for a while until Yoesphin stopped. “What is it?” I asked as she started to sniff the ground. I grew more impatient as she didn't say anything. “He changed his direction and wandered the northern path” “Is that bad?” Phee's voice had turned so small and weak. It didn't sound like her. “No, the river lies in that direction. Let's hope he has at least found it, then I know he'd have water”

We walked for what seemed another five hours or more without founding him. We stopped one time to eat, but otherwise we didn't want to stop. We didn't want to lose our track. The trees had started now to grow less and the blue sky appeared increasingly. Some of the trees was shown to be dead and it felt like we've entered an abandoned cemetery. I felt myself grow more worried. He couldn't have walked this far, could he? Yoesphin stopped once more. “Thank god, I knew we had gone wrong” I said with relief.

“No, I haven't lost his track” Yoesphin said stern. “We've reached their territory. The Wilas land”

“Wilas...?” Phee stuttered and clung to me. “Female spirits”

“Stop it! It tickles” Phee laughed and started to scratch herself. I gave her an odd look. Out of nowhere Michael jumped out from her sleeve and before my feet. “It was getting a bit warm” He said and started to lick himself. “Phee...?” I turned to her with a not so very amused look. “Why is the talking frog her?” She bit her lip and tugged at her dress. “Oh, he wanted to come along”

“I see we've reached the Wilas land. You should be careful. They can be charming until they bite your head off. It happened to a very good friend of mine, Erling. One minute he was there and the next...” “Wait!” I held my hand to stop from talking. “They can do what to you?”

“Kill you, to be more exact, but I'm sure we'll be just fine. Don't listen to their voices, just in case”

That frog won't ever shut up, will he? I gave Yoesphin a questioning look. “We will cross their land, but we need to be careful. If we're lucky they'll not bother us”

We continued our journey, walking more quiet than before. I kept Phee close to me, Michael sitting on her shoulder and Nicholas close behind us. The ground turned hilly and the trees grew closer. Suddenly I heard a soft voice, singing in the distant. “Listen!” I said quiet to the others.

“It's a Wila. Be quiet and follow me. I can feel we are getting closer to Tom” Yoesphin said as she stretched her ears to listen. “I'm scared” Phee said.

“We'll be fine. We have Nicholas, don't we?” I waited for him to answer his normal proud words but it was all quiet. I turned around expecting to see Nicholas close behind, but instead I saw only air.

“Wait! Where is Nick?” Yoesphin gave me a worried look and she walked past me. I followed her and soon we found him, looking rather happy. “I've never heard anything more beautiful in my entire life” His voice sounded high, like he was in a child again. His look seemed dreamy and he didn't glance at me when I tried to make contact. “What's wrong with him?”

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