Chapter 1

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"Nico! Nico di Angelo! Please! I'm sorry!" I shouted, but no one is able to hear me. "... Dammit... I might have to fight this thing on my own now..." I murmured, taking in a deep breath. Never have a I been scared, not even when I was fighting Calypso. At that time... I felt an adrenaline rush. Such a powerful, supporting rush. I really need to do this by myself, I thought with a realization.

I looked down, the myrmekes making low hissing noises. My hands shaking, I reached for my daggers. "You freakishly giant ants, go away!" I shouted, my voice shaky. Oh yeah, because they can understand English, I thought sarcastically. They kept hissing, when suddenly I felt a presence behind me. "....N-Nico?" I asked hopefully.

"Guess again, sweetie," the soft, masculine voice murmured. "... Oh gods, Ken?" I said, too scared to turn around. His voice... it was the same and yet so different. His voice is soft, but it's not kind; it seems deadly, like if I made the wrong move, I'd die in his hands.

"Yeah... It's me." His voice changed. It was more cocky now, more arrogant. As if his name brought a higher title to him. "Wh-Why are you here?" I asked softly, my breaths short and fast, feeling something sharp on the base of my neck. "Lady Calypso... offered me a peace of mind..." he murmured, smirking widely. I gulped. "Oh... What kind of 'peace of mind'?" I asked, surprised at how calm my voice is.

He laughed. It changed. Before, it used to be hearty and full of joy. Now it's raspy and bitter. "Revenge~" he mumbled, his lips touching my earlobe softly, making me shiver. And it was nowhere close to a good kind of shiver. "... What do y-you mean? I thou-thought you understood why it ha-had to happen l-l-like this..." I stuttered out, feeling him teasingly push a blade into my neck more before stopping the pressure.

"Understand my own death?" he asked, sneering before he growled. "I refuse to die as a piece of crap that you heroes just toss away because I'm just your sidekick." I tear up. "... You're not my sidekick! And I'm not a hero!" I shouted.

"But you will be..." he mumbled, his grip on my body tightening. "... I'd let go if I were you..." said another familiar voice. I managed to shift my eyes to the right as much as I could to see who my savior was.

"N-Nico... You came..." I murmured, my eyes blurry from tears. I am terrified. Beyond terrifying. Demigods have to be scarred through what they've gone through. Is this is how they get scarred for the rest of their life? Watching as one of their own friends turn for the worst and betray them? Listening to such a close friend wish upon death and revenge on you? Having to beg the gods for their life to be saved?

"Ah... Isn't it the little royal brat," Ken spat out, his eyes narrowed. Nico laughed dryly. "Well, isn't it the little betraying rat," Nico mocked, spitting in his direction. I struggled in my spot, only to have Ken tighten his grip on me. I then felt my body get release and pushed.

I looked around and saw everything moving up, away from me. I was falling. "Nico!" I screamed, my hands desperately trying to find something to grasp. Nico's eyes widened and he jumped down as well, the extra weight of his sword increasing his speed as he grabbed me. "... I got you..." he whispered before my vision went dark.


Please tell me what you guys think! Thank you!

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now