Chapter 30

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Guys, I'm gonna skip the other trials except the last trial because I am sooo lazy. Sorry!!!

Third person Pov.

Reborn trial is defeating Reborn but all of them defeated except Serena because Reborn was told Serena to not to join or he'll tell everyone her secret. Serena is the only one who can defeat Reborn but she decided not join. After, Reborn defeated them and left with the other Arcobaleno. Serena treat the other Guardians wounds.

"Nee-chan, what are you hiding from us?" Tsuna ask.

Serena stop treating the others wounds and the Guardians looked at her.

"If you wanna know, then, ask the Arcobaleno. I won't just easily tell you my secret." Serena said.

"Can you at least tell us one thing ." Tsuna said.

Serena sigh.

"Mafia Queens." Serena said.

"Mafia Queens?" All of them ask.

"Serena-san, don't you mean the most powerful legendary womens in the whole world?!" Gokudera ask.

Serena didn't answer.

"Gokudera-kun, who are this Mafia Queens?" Tsuna ask.

"The Mafia Queens are the fiercest womens in the Vongola Family. The legend says this four women use to work with Primo and the First Guardians." Gokudera said.

"EEEHHH?!!!" They screamed.

"They're powers are unbeatable and no one can beat them, not the even the Primo and Guardians. The strongest of them all is their leader who is called the Ice Queen. She became Primo's Snow Guardian and the other three women became partners with the other Guardians. Next one, is the user of Snow and Cloud and who is called the Cloud Princess and her weapon are guns. Next, is the user of Snow and Rain. She use a sword as her weapon and she was called the Rain Empress. And lastly, the user of Snow and Storm. Her weapon are the bow and arrow and she was called the Storm Maiden. This four women never gave up and they treat each other like sisters. All the Mafia Family called them The Mafia Queens." Gokudera continue.

All of them were surprised about the Mafia Queens.

"H-How did you know this, Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna ask.

"I sometimes read the story many times when I was little." Gokudera said embarrassingly.

"But, Nee-chan, what does the Mafia Queens have to do with your secret?" Tsuna ask.

"I won't tell you." Serena said.

"Why?!" Tsuna ask.

"You said I will only tell you one thing and that's the one thing I will only tell you." Serena said and then left.

Everyone watched her left.

"Nee-chan..." Tsuna said.

"10th, can I say something?" Gokudera ask.

Tsuna nod.

"Serena-san, Violet Strauss from the Varia, and those two women we meet in the future. I think they reminds to the Mafia Queens." Gokudera said.

"Eh? What do you mean, Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna ask.

"Serena-san resemblance to the Ice Queen, Violet Strauss from the Varia resemblance to the Cloud Princess, Lilly Moonlight resemblance to the Rain Empress, and Clara Smith resemblance to the Storm Maiden." Gokudera said.

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