Chapter 8

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Serena Pov

Next day

I was training alone while rain is pouring down. There is a huge boulder in front of me. I closed my eyes to concentrate then I opened my eyes and snow was flowing around me. I raised my right hand then made my hand look like a gun, I pretend to pull a trigger, a sharp ice went through the boulder leaving a giant hole on a boulder.

"Not bad." I said.

Time skip

It was midnight and it's still raining. I brought my black umbrella, opened it and went to Tsuna's school. I finally reached the school, Tsuna, Gokudera,Yamamoto, Ryohei, and Lambo was already there. The center field was on the roof.

We are on the roof and saw lightning rods on the here and it's called Elettrico Circuit.

"Special wires that easily conduct electricity run along the floor of the Elettrico Circuit."

"The lightning that hits the lightning rods in enhanced several times and runs through them."

"That's terrible: just standing there would burn you to a crisp!" Tsuna said.

"They set up this match knowing there'd be a lightning storm." Gokudera said.

"Lambo-san's gonna play on that!" Lambo said running towards the Elettrico Circuit.

"Wait a sec! Lambo it's dangerous." Tsuna said grabbing Lambo.

"No! I want to play on that!" Lambo refused trying to get out Tsuna's hands.

"He thinks it's an amusement park." Tsuna said while glooming.

Lambo's horn fall off while trying to get out Tsuna's hands.

"Geez, you dropped your horn again." Tsuna said.

"Stupid cow." Gokudera said.

Gokudera started writing "Stupid cow" on Lambo's horn.

"Guardian of Thunder, please come to the center. Your opponent has already been waiting for two hours."

The other Varia came.

"Levi came two hours early again?" Belphegor said.

"Unlike you, he's quite awkward in that way." Mammon said.

"I can't believe it." Belphegor said.

Lambo went to the Elettrico Circuit. He was zapped. He started crying.

"It hurts!" Lambo said while crying.

"T-That's..." Levi said.

"He's safe! He's alive!" Tsuna said.

"Yeah!" Yamamoto said.

"After being struck so many times by electricity his physiology has changed. It's an Elettrico Cuoio." Reborn said.

"Ele... Cuoio?" Tsuna said.

"It would be called "Electric Skin" in Japanese, skin that can easily conduct electricity. When lightning strikes him and passes through his skin to the ground, there's barely any damage to his brain or organs." Reborn said.

"Lambo's amazing." Tsuna said with awe.

"Not only becoming the lightning that damages the enemy, but becoming the lightning rod that accepts damage towards the Family and destroys it: that is the duty of the Guardian of Thunder." I said.

"Yeah, like Serena said. The stupid cow's body exemplifies that duty, even if he is annoying, stupid cow." Reborn said.

"There's no one else more worthy to become the Guardian of Thunder." I said.

Mafia Queens (KHR Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz