Chapter 19

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Thired person Pov

Few days later

Serena woke up, showered, put on her clothes.( its on the top.)

She ate breakfast that Kyoko and Haru made. Then, she went to the training room. When she went there everyone is already there.

"Good morning, Nee-chan." Tsuna said.

"Good morning." Serena said.

Then, Serena walked up to Lal and Reborn and stand right next to them.

"All three are present, then. As I've mentioned, you'll be starting a new training course today. It's called the "Individual Assault Training Program." Lal said.

"Individual... Training...?" Tsuna said.

"Just like Tsuna's been receiving a one-on-one training with Lal Mirch these past ten days, you'll each get your own home tutor to train you, same as during the Ring Battle. For example, the one in training is... Yamamoto." Reborn said.

"Me?" Yamamoto said while point himself.

"Eh?! Reborn's training Yamamoto?!! Is-Is that alright?!" Tsuna yelled.

"I'm looking forward to it." Yamamoto said.

"I will be in charged of Hayato."

We turned and saw Bianchi.

"Bi-Bianchi?!" Tsuna yelled.

Then, Gokudera screamed, fall to the ground while holding his stomach.

"Gokudera-kun!" Tsuna yelled.

"Th-This... must be a joke..." Gokudera said while shaking on the ground.

"Since we're siblings, it's unsurprising that the strongest attribute of my wave energy is also storm. Secondly, if you manage to complete your training successfully, I have something to award you. Something from father." Bianchi said.

"Father!" Gokudera yelled.

Then, he fell to the ground.

"This is not gonna work! We better stop this now!" Tsuna yelled.

"You shouldn't devote yourself to your own training." Reborn said then he shoot Tsuna by the Dying Will Bullet.

Tsuna was covered in Dying Will Flame.

"That's incredible, 10th! The intensity has increased even more!" Gokudera yelled.

"You're like a totally different person. You've improved leaps and bounds ahead of us again." Yamamoto said.

Tsuna run towards to Lal.

"Shall we begin, Lal Mirch?" Tsuna ask.

"I'm no longer training you. You have not attained The level I expected of you at all. I've realized that you will not be able to improve as much as I'd  hope for in such a short time." Lal said.

"But, this really is all I have." Tsuna said.

"You're power is more greater than this." Lal said.

Then, there was a purple beam coming towards to Tsuna but, Tsuna dodge it. Then, the beam followed him and then, there was another two beams that is white and black. Tsuna use his Dying Will Flame to stop the three beams and it making it explode .

"If you don't pay attention, you will die." A voice said.

Tsuna saw the two people who shoot and that is Serena and Kyoya.

"I'm going to pry open all your abilities." Kyoya said while Serena is smirking.

Then, Fuuta and Lambo came.

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