Chapter 32: I'll Skate Circles Around You

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Hey guys!! I'm back :DD lol. This chapter is soooooooooo long! But you guys deserve it:) I'm going to be doing random updates to try and make it up to you guys. I really am sorry I have kept ya'll waiting this long, you didn't deserve that. Buuutttt anywaysssss I love you guys for still reading! I have soo many reads and it's all because of you <3 Thank you veryy much ! :) I will update ASAP for chapter 33 :) My last day of school is May 9th so it'll be much easier after then, but for now I will squeeze it in between work and school somehow! (: Hope you like this chapter!! :))

BTW!! Have ya'll seen the new You & I video?? it's amazing! I love it <33 Go watch it if you haven't!

This chapter is dedicated to loveekatt :)) Hope you like it love!

Love, Rachel :D


Cammy's POV:

As I shove my phone into my pocket, I scoot down into the seat and yawn.

The running has made me tired and makes me wish that I had one of those pillow pets that attach to seat belts to make a comfy pillow.

Just as I start to go under, Kate jumps up from her seat and sits next to Mr. Gonsalas, interrupting his game.

“Where are we going next?” she asks, causing him to jump.

I laugh as he shifts in his chair and looks to us both and says, “The original plan was to go back to the hotel but I’m thinking of going somewhere extra instead of just going back because we have enough time. Maybe we’ll go to an arcade of some sort.”

“Sweet!” Kate says excitedly.

She pats him on the head and hops back over to the seat next to me and smiles.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?” I ask, trying to wake up a little.

“I don’t know, I think all that running made me adventurous!” she answers, looking past me to the scenery outside.

“You should join the Olympics then because it gave me the exact opposite effect.” I say with a chuckle.

“Okay everyone, instead of going back to the hotel we are going to spend some time at an arcade. I’m sure no one will object to that.” Mr. Gonsalas says as he stands up at the front of the Double-Decker bus.

Everyone nods and he turns to the bus driver to discuss directions.


Arriving at the arcade we all get out and head inside to see games, concession stands, and people everywhere.

“Okay everyone go have fun and meet back here at six.” Mr. Gonsalas says as we begin to walk off.

“It’s so colorful in here!” Kate yells to me above the noise of the jukebox.

I nod and look around me at all the different choices of entertainment.

Just as I begin to turn back to her, the current song comes to an end and the familiar strum of What Makes You Beautiful comes over the sound of the speakers, followed by excited screams.

Kate laughs at my annoyed expression and leans in close to my ear.

“Come on! You can’t act like it annoys you forever, I know you wanna dance!” she says, laughing as she grabs my hand and tries to make me dance.

I roll my eyes but give into the feeling as the song goes on and sing along with the other Directioners as we begin dancing in our own stupid way and don’t care who watches.

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