Chapter 5: Long Trip and the Prank

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 Hey guys!!:) Here's chapter 5 n_n. Sorry if its boring but next chapter they are in London!(: Here's a cute gif for you all. You're all beautiful! n_n


 Cammy's POV:

I'm trying my best to fall asleep, but with the feeling in my the constant giggling Ally is doing, I can't. They are cute though so I forgive them.

She lives in Tennessee, loves helping homeless animals, and volunteers at children's hospitals just like Carson. If he decides to go for it I definitely approve.

She has her iPod in front of them, propped up on a little table and they are watching videos. Carson says something funny and in their fit of laughter, his arm hits the wire and accidentally yanks the ear buds out of the iPod.

Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but yo-ou. Baby you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tellll, you don't know oh-oh! You don't know you're beautiful!

There's that song again!

"Hey Ally?" I say, trying to get her attention. She turns toward me, smiling brightly. "Who is that song by?" I ask, hoping she would know.

 She looks at me like I am weird for not knowing and answers, "One Direction." She takes Carson's ear bud and hands it to me. I accept it and smile at her as she starts the video over.

It shows five gorgeous boys running around, singing on the beach. She begins swaying along with the music and I can't help but do the same. The song is just so good. When it's over she smiles at me and turns back to Carson.

I lean back in my chair and begin to think about yesterday. Maybe it was a good thing. Obviously he's messed up in the head for treating someone that way, so I'll consider it a blessing. God could have made it go a little nicer, but maybe I would've tried to stay with him if it wouldn't have been so horrible. Obviously he'll never be who I needed or wanted. I know I'm going to miss him though. I wish I didn't but how could I not? I spent a whole year of my life with him. 

I continue to ponder on it and then begin to think about the month ahead as I doodle on the side of my drawing book, and soon fall asleep.


I wake up four hours later with my head hanging out in the aisle and drool on my face. Why didn't Carson or Ally wake me up? I wonder how many people saw that.

I lean up and stretch, deciding to go talk to Jilly. "I'll be right back," I say to Carson and Ally. They don't even hear me because they are too deep into conversation.

As I stand up to go toward Jilly's section, my drawing book falls to the floor. 

Bending down to retrieve it, I notice that it has landed on a sketch of Mark. I freeze, unable to pick it up.

"Cam?" I hear Carson say and force myself to look at him.

"Yes?" I answer, slightly annoyed.

"You good?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just going to go see Jilly." I say as I pick the book up without looking at it. I sit it in my seat and walk down the aisle to go to her section.

When I approach, I see she's curled up in her seat with her eyes closed and her headphones in. I gently tap on her shoulder to see if she's awake, causing her to jump and her eyes to fly open.

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