Chapter 3: Explanation and Ice Cream

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Chapter three!:)) Getting closer to London. n_n  The picture at the top is how I see Carson in my mind. Ain't he sweet? Read. Vote. Comment.  enjoy:D

I get on the bus to Jilly's apartment and as soon as I reach my destination and step inside, I can hear laughter upstairs.

I bolt my way to her bedroom and open the door with such force that I swear it could have put a hole in the wall. Looking in, I see a bewildered Carson and Jilly.

They both immediately run to me and guide me over to the bed.

"Oh my gosh what happened ?!" exclaims Carson.

I can't answer. The words are stuck in my throat. Mark laughing and walking away with that girl keeps replaying in my head.

"I'll get her something to eat, you stay here." Jilly says to Carson as she hurries toward the stairs. 

I look to Carson who is staring back at me with concern in his brown eyes.

"Whatever happened it'll be okay Cammy, I promise." He says, hugging me.

I give him a slight smile, thankful for the wonderful friends that I have.

"You are never this quiet Cam," he says as he stands up.

He walks over to a desk, and picks up his phone. I can hear the dialing of a number as he presses his fingers to the screen.

"What are you doing?" I barely get out.

"Calling Mark, I'm sure he knows what is going on with you." he answers.

"NO!!" I yell, diving for the phone.

He backs up confused as his phone falls to the ground from the smack of my fingertips.

I stare at the dialed number in front of me and begin sobbing into my hands on the floor. I just don't understand how Mark could do this. What did I ever do to him to deserve it?

At the same moment, Jilly walks back into the room with a tub of ice cream and three big spoons.

"Carson what did you do?" she asks the guilty looking blonde haired boy.

"Nothing," he replies back. All I did was say I'm going to call Mark." 

I let out another small cry and she smacks his hand with one of the spoons. "You're making it worse!" she fusses. It's never over with these two.

They each take me by the arm to help me stand up, and we all sit down on the bed with me in the middle. Quietly, I take the lid off of the ice cream bucket and dig in. Jilly always knows what I need.

"Now Cammy, before you devour the whole city can you tell us what's wrong?" Carson starts.

Jilly raises her hand, smacks her forehead. and gives him a look. "Carson go away."

"You go away." He replies, sticking out his tongue.

"Oohh good comeback," she replies while rolling her eyes. "Let me handle this, go sit in a corner or something."

She then turns to me and says,"Ugh boys are dumb, this is a woman's job."

I want to laugh at that but I just can't make it come out. I feel like going to sleep and never waking up.

"But..." Carson protests, reaching out his hand.

"No buts, to the corner," she says sternly while pointing her finger to the corner.

I don't know how she keeps a straight face while doing that. Even I am finding it amusing. Carson throws his hands up in the air like he's giving up, walks to the corner of the room and sits down in a moon chair.

"Okay, so who am I going to have to beat up?" The blue eyed girl asks jokingly. She is just trying to cheer me up but I am in no mood for joking.

"Carson come both need to hear this." I say out loud. 

"Finally she speaks," he jokes as he stands from his seated position.

"She already spoke when you upset her and made her cry out the word no," says Jilly with a smirk, trying to bother him. The look on his face shows that it's working.

"Um..." I say and both of them look at me, ready to listen.

"M-Mark he..."  How am I even supposed to word this? Not only did he just rip my heart out, he also stomped on it and ran it over. The way he acted toward me tonight is the worst thing I've ever seen, and it happened to public. I notice they are still staring and take a deep breath. 

"Mark cheated on me." I finally choke out. I look up at them to see wide eyes and to hear gasps.

"I'm going to kil-," Jilly starts but I cut her off.

"Wait, there's more." She nods for me to proceed.

"He has been acting strange lately but I just figured it was because of the trip or something...but while we were at Olive Garden he was quick tempered and really mean. It was a side of him that I've never seen before. I mean, he's had his moments and hasn't always been the nicest but I've never seen him like that. One second he's insulting me because I got chocolate milk, and somehow that's unacceptable apparently, and then he flirts with this random waitress. I asked him what was wrong and he just goes off, telling me how he's been cheating on me with some Diana chick. He even had her come to the restaurant and insult me further. He acted like she showed up on her own, but she had to have known what was going on. I just don't understand what I did."

I look to my best friends to see Jilly in tears and Carson looking like hulk. "The last thing he said to me was Happy Anniversary and then left with her, hand in hand, while laughing...laughing at me." I begin to cry again when Carson catches ahold of my arm.

"No," he says. I look at him confused.

"You will not cry over that idiot. He is not worth your time or your tears." I nod slowly and hug them both.

"I don't want to think about it," I say, looking to them both. "We have a big day tomorrow and I still haven't packed yet." I smile and then chuckle for the first time since the incident.

"So what do you say? Let's go to my place, help me pack, and then movie night?" I ask with a true smile.

They both return my grin and nod. I don't know what I'd do without them.


 Aww they are so good to her:) I will try to update every week on Monday or Tuesday. Love you guys!


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