Chapter 26: My Hero

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Update time!!:D :) I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter!:) I had fun writing both points of view n_n Comment what you think!! & vote :DD Thank you for all the reads! It's amazing! :))

Dedication goes to Diantha!:)) Hope you like it you dedicated #Hammy shipper!!:))

Have fun!!:)))

I happen to find the Louis gif on the side very hot! lol  He is so gorgeous!:D <3 haha


Cammy's POV: 

They start to surround me, closing me in.

I begin to panic as they start screaming around me, asking if they can meet Harry and asking for his number and for him to follow them.

There are just too many people and as I try to run in the opposite direction, I slip and fall to the ground.

Looking back up from my position on the pavement I see a flashback.


“Cammy! Let’s go to the beach!” Mark yells to me from the other room.

“Mark there isn’t a beach around here.” I say, laughing and giving him a hug.

He kisses the top of my head and rubs my back.

“I know but we can make a road trip! Wouldn’t that be fun?” he says excitedly.

Happiness is flowing from him as he twirls me around in a circle.

I giggle and agree to go.

Several hours later we arrive at the beach and have the time of our lives.

I see us running around in the sunshine, sharing ice cream and being cute.

We get in the water and Mark decides to go out a little further.

“Babe I don’t think that’s such a good idea!” I yell after him.

“Relax Cam! I’ll be fine! Come on, it’ll be fun!” he yells back.

I can’t resist the cute smile on his face so I swim out…farther than him.

It becomes more of a contest to see who can go out farther and in the end, I win.

He begins swimming back and I am all smiles… until my foot gets caught on some sea weed.

I try to break my foot loose but it is wrapped too tightly.

Trying to call for help, I open my mouth.

I start to scream but a huge wave comes crashing down on top of me, thrusting me down and knocking me out cold.

The next thing I remember is lying on the beach with strange people standing all around me.

I begin panicking and as someone helps me rise up, I scream for Mark.

*End of Flashback*

“Mark! Help me!” I yell.

"Cammy, it’s Harry! Come on we have got to get out of here!” Harry yells into my ear.

I open my eyes and see Harry standing above me with his hood pulled up over his head.

I nod at him and he grabs my hand to lead us away.

We are almost to the end when someone grabs hold of Harry’s hood and yanks it off.

“OH MY GOSH!!!!!! IT’S HARRY STYLES!!!” the girl yells.

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