Chapter 12: Who Needs Them?

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 Early Updateee!:DD Chapter 12!!:))) Hope you guys love it!:DD To the right is how I picture Ally:) So go ahead!:D Read. Vote. Comment. Follow!:D Follow me on Twitter: @LimburgRachel

Dedication goes to Mary!:)) Hope you like it! n_n  


Cammy’s POV:

 “Well?!” they both scream in unison.

 “What?” I ask, confused.

 “Aren’t you going to text them?!” Jilly yells.

“Text Harry first!” Ally says, jumping up and down.

 “I’m not texting any of them.” I say, staring at them.

 They stop hopping and their smiles fade.

 “What?” Ally asks.

 "Why not?” Jilly asks, confused.

 “Because it’s not a big deal, I don’t care about them and they don’t really care about me so what’s the point?” I say, walking away.

I plop down onto the bed beside Carson and he turns and smiles at me. What is he smiling about? I then begin to feel something on my butt and stand up to see two cherry pop tarts, covered in butter, stuck to my pants. Really? Another stain? I need to be more observant. I frown at it and begin to pout because I just wasted my favorite poptarts.

Carson begins laughing at me and I stick my tongue out at him. I notice that the two girls aren’t laughing and turn to them to see unamused expressions. Crossing her arms, Jilly comes over and sits beside me.

 “Cammy I don’t understand…why don’t you want to talk to them? They are all very cute and I think Harry has an interest in you. This is a once in a life time chance and you are acting like it doesn’t even matter.” She finishes, looking for Ally’s approval but the girl was nowhere to be seen.

 “Please don’t try to push them away, they are great guys and I really think you need that right now.” She adds, trying to look into my eyes.

 I look down at my feet and just stand there. I know that if I tell her the reason she will fuss at me.

 Ally then comes into the room with wet paper towels and hands them to me. Such a sweet girl. I smile at her and then begin cleaning off my pants.

"Cammy you didn’t answer my question.” Jilly says, looking concerned.

 I don’t want to tell her the real reason. In my head I have sworn off boys. If I just don’t date anyone and keep myself from caring for someone then I will never get hurt the way Mark hurt me. I will just focus on my studies and then become a cat lady. Yeah, that’s the life right there.

 “I just …I don’t want to talk to them because...ugh...they are just so famous! I mean they can have any girl they want! So why would I let myself get used like that?" I say, proud of myself for coming up with a reasonable answer off the top of my head. I do agree with it though, since whatever his name is, is famous that just gives him more Diana’s to have and probably more personalities as well.

 “Nope not good enough!” Jilly says, jumping up. “Come on we are going to be late for the bus, we will finish this conversation later.”

We all get up and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom before going down to the lobby.

 I enter into the bathroom and lean against the door. Why did that have to happen to me? I hate myself for missing him….but I can’t help it. He was mean to me so I should be able to walk away without any problems but I love Mark, it doesn’t go away that easily. He is off having fun with stupid Diana and I am in a hotel bathroom sulking.

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