Chapter 15: Ego Crusher

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Hi guys! Chapter 15 is here!:D Sorry that it is later on in the day it wouldn't let me post earlier for some reason!:P Hope ya'll like it!!:DD

Dedication to an awesome reader!:DD You always comment and you are suppperrrr nice! :)) Hope you like it!!:DD


Harry's POV:

I say her name but she doesn’t budge. She just sits there, hiding behind the menu which is only covering her face. Maybe she doesn’t know that it’s me…well that girl did yell out that One Direction is here right? If she knows that it is me then why is she hiding?

“Cammy, it’s Harry.” I try again.

She finally looks up at me over the menu at the exact time I get closer to look over the menu. We are face to face and I can’t help but stare into her beautiful green eyes and admire the features of her face. She is absolutely breath taking. It has to be fate; I mean how can I accidentally run into someone twice in the same day?

She backs up and clears her throat.

“Um…hi.” She says, looking away.

She is staring at her friends who are practically drooling in their seats. Why can’t she react that way?  Usually the reaction of someone not obsessing over me is always refreshing, but with Cammy it is torture. I feel like no matter what I do she will never like me. I need to apologize before we leave, maybe then she will like me and we can see each other again… on purpose this time.

“Fancy seeing you hear.” Liam says, trying to make the awkwardness of the situation fade.

She just smiles at him and nods politely. She is so cute, I have to find a way to see her more.

Well since we are all here, we might as well eat together!” I say, quickly pulling up a chair, eager to spend more time with her.

“Harry we just ate.” Louis says, raising his eyebrows at me.

“What are you talking about Lou, we just got here.”  I say back, hoping that they will catch on to what I am trying to do and play along. But before anyone else says anything, Cammy begins speaking.

“But Harry weren’t you walking towards the exit?” she asks, smirking at me.

She is smart but maybe I can win this and make her think that we really just got here.

I smile at her, trying to make it believable and say, “We came in through the back so we wouldn’t get seen by any fans and were heading towards the front to get a table.”

That was good! I am proud of that one, she will have to believe it because it is something that we do a lot.

“Ahh okay...So where did your to-go box come from?”  She says, knowing that she is winning once again.

“I ...uhh…it holds…important stuff.” I say, feeling the color creep into my cheeks. Why does she have to be so quick?

“Mmmhmm.”  She says, adding a wink.

The boys all begin laughing and I feel like crawling into a hole. I am trying so hard to figure out what kind of boy she likes but she is so confusing and quick minded that I can’t keep up.

Louis walks closer and puts his hand on her shoulder and smiles at me.

“I like this one Harry, she is good at humiliating you.” he says.

I just glare at him, hoping he will go away as she begins to smile at him.

The two girls that have been sitting there starring, all of the sudden jumps up and walks up to us.

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