Chapter 31: Something Exciting

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Hey guys!:) Here's your Tuesday update!:) I had it earlier but Wattpad was unavailable:P lol Well anyways I love ya'll! Enjoy:))

I'm going to dedicate this chapter to Christine and I's shared account so ya'll can click on it and check it out if you'd like:)

Hope ya'll like it!:)

Look how cute Zayn is n_n



Harry's POV:

Everyone is staring at me impatiently as I think of what to do next. Why must he push me so hard for answers?

Buying myself more time, I look over to Mac and say, “Well Mac, you see…I don’t really know who did it.”

He stares at me with a confused expression and says, “What do you mean? How do you not know?”

An idea instantly hits me and I can feel the smirk growing across my face.

“Before we moved to a new location…I was on the balcony early one morning, admiring my surroundings when all of the sudden I hear a big thump and look up just in time to see hot coffee spilling off the side of the balcony above me.” I say, pausing as he nods.

I’ve got his full attention now.

“I didn’t have time to move before it hit me in the face, burning me. I have to admit that it didn’t feel very good but the culprit apologized so it’s fine now.” I continue with a smile.

“So you met the one who spilled this coffee?” he asks while rubbing his chin. I smile at him and nod.

“Yes I did, she was quite the looker, though she was in her seventy’s.” I answer. I can see the headlines now, Harry Styles at it again, dating a seventy year old woman.

“Oh really now?” Mac says.

Leaning back I say, “Yes, yes she was very sweet and apologized so there’s no need to hate on a little old lady. I say I don't really know who did it because I never really caught her name."  

I hope no one looks into this and starts going around, beating up random old ladies.

“Well then!” Mac says while laughing.

The lads all turn to look at me as Louis says, “I thought Harry was going to ask her for her number, you know how he likes him some older women.”

I feel my face heating up with color as I punch Louis in the arm. That sure didn’t help anything but at least it took the focus off of Cammy. Mac smiles at us and then looks down at his watch.

“Well thank you boys for coming on! It’s been a pleasure to have you! Good to know that about your burns Harry. I wish you all luck in your upcoming future!” he says, jumping up to shake our hands.

“Anytime!” Liam says, to him as we all stand and wave as we walk off stage.

We all walk into the dressing room and I collapse on the couch and sigh.

“Well that was close.” Niall says, taking a sip from his drink.

“Yeah.” I say, staring at the ceiling. Mac bought it. Everyone bought it. I did it, I protected Cammy. Smiling, I unlock my phone screen to reveal Cammy’s smiling face. Tweets begin overtaking my screen and I sigh and turn off my phone. I don’t feel like seeing what people said about the interview just yet.

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