Chapter 13: How Can You Not Remember Me?

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Chapter 13!:DD Hope ya'll like it! n_n Read. Vote. Comment. Fan :))

Dedication goes to emselley!:) Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the others! :) She writes books too! Go check them out:)


 Harry's POV:

 “Guys wake up!!” Niall yells, pulling me out of my slumber and causing everyone groan.

 “What time is it?” Liam asks, rising up and rubbing his left eye.

 “Time to go to Nando’s!” the Irish boy yells while running around, trying to find his shoes.

 We couldn't go straight after Tate Modern because it was really crowded when we drove by.

 I just lie there, not wanting to move. I hear a bark and then something begins licking my face. I then rise up and pat Leeroy on the back.

 “Is this the way you are going to wake me up every time I go to sleep?” I ask the little dog.

 “Harry! Get away from my dog!” Louis yells, running to Leeroy.

 He picks him up and carries him away.

 "You okay Leeroy? He didn’t infect you with his curls did he?” he asks the puppy while inspecting him.

 I raise my eyebrows at him. Infect him with my curls?

 “What?” he askes. “I don’t want my puppy growing curly hair, he looks good this way. Don’t you Leeroy?”

 Leeroy jumps up onto Louis's chest and wags his tail. I guess he agrees.

 “You're weird.” I say to him.

 “Why think you Harold.” He says, batting his eye lashes.  “I may be weird but at least I’m not a baby and can actually talk to a girl I fancy.”

 “Ooooo” Zayn says, laughing.

 “I did text her!” I say, hoping they won't ask to see.

 “Oh really now? Let’s have a look then.” Louis says, holding out his hand for the phone.

 “Ready lads?” Niall asks, coming out of the lou.

 “Yep!” I say quickly. I jump up and run out the door. Haha I win! Thank you Niall!

 We all climb into the car and sneak off without Paul. He is going to be mad when he figures out that we have gone off on our own but we want to feel normal for once. We pull up in the back of the restaurant and head inside.

 “Hello Niall, boys!” the manager says excitedly with a pause inbetween greeting Niall and the rest of us. 

 “Hello!” we all say in unison.

 “Usual booth?” a waitress asks us.

 “Sure.” Liam says, shrugging.

 We all follow her to our usual seating and she asks us for our drinks and walks off. Isn’t it sad that we have been here so much that they know each of our orders by heart? We just can’t say no to Niall.

 “So Harry, how about showing us that text?” Louis says, smirking at me.

 “I –uh- deleted it.” I say. I know this isn’t going to work.

 They just stare at me, waiting for me to come up with a better excuse but I can't.

 “I will text her...just give it time.” I finally say.

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