I didn't know why she made that face until I turn around and saw Troy smiling at me. Shit. To the left of him, was a pissed off Derrick. I reeaaallllyy just fucked up. "You definitely owed me that." he said still smiling. "Alexis grabbed me and pulled me immediately away from him. What happened next was like slow motion. Derrick punched the shit outta that nigga and it all went down hill from there. They was going blow for blow yet I really couldn't move. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alexis calling my name. "They're going to jump him." she said as she pointed in his direction. I looked and saw one Troy's friends walking up to them. Not just any friend but the one I've been waiting on. 

   I wasted no time getting to his ass. Dead ass punched the shit out of him. "Let's go." I said waiting for him to get up. He tried to charge at me but I sidestepped his ass as he ran into a nearby person. I cracked my neck as he came at me again. This time he threw a jab as I moved to the left and punch his ass square in the jaw. I turned around just to make sure they wasn't jumping him. Luckily it was still a one on one. Good for him but bad for me. As soon as I turned around, ole buddy punched making me stagger. He wasted no time taking advantage of the situation. "What was that shit you said the last time lil bitch." he said as I was balled up on he ground protecting my face.  

  He tried to punch me in my face when I rolled over to the side while his fist collided with the floor. He let out a blood curling scream as I punched the shit outta him. The tables was turned now and I wasn't wasting no time beating his ass. I just kept punching his ass until he was out cold. Once I was done with him, I looked and saw that they had actually pulled Troy and Derrick apart. I made my way through the people to Derrick. He didn't even look at me. Actually, if looks could kill, I'd be chilling with the devil himself right now. He just left out as I followed behind him. 

  I didn't bother to say anything to him because it literally would be pointless right. I unlocked the car as he got in. At least he didn't slam the door. I would've fucked him up for that. The ride was silent on the way to my house and I could tell he was holding it in. When we made it to my house, I checked to make sure I still had everything I left with on me. "Open the door." he said. "I-" "Open the fucking door!" he said as his voiced boomed. Shit was like a thunderstorm. "Derrick calm down you-" "Man fuck these neighbors! Open the fucking door Rob! That or I'll kick the bitch in." he said like that shit was nothing. My attitude went through the roof. 

  "Kick my door and  I promise to God, I'll will drive this fucking car up on this curb and fucking kill you." I said deadass serious. I meant that shit. "Open the door yo." he said flagging me. I did a quick count to 10 before getting out the car and opening the door. "I didn't-" "Spare me that I didn't know that was him bullshit." he said cutting me off. "I didn't! You just up and disappeared. I don't even know where you went." I said honestly. "I went to the fucking bathroom and what do I come back to? My "boyfriend" dancing on another nigga. Not just any nigga but the nigga that he had feelings for and clearly has feelings for him. Talk about disrespect." he scoffed. 

  I looked at him in disbelief. "You got something you want to get off your chest?" I said as I had my eyebrow raised. "Naw it's clear you playing me for that nigga. Now all of a sudden, you want to go out. To see that bum ass nigga again huh. Wouldn't surprise me if y'all are talking." he said as I really was on the verge of fucking shit up. This is exactly why I didn't want to fall in love. "You have me fucked up with that ex of your's. Lemme help you out. If I wanted Troy, that wouldn't be a fucking problem for me. Can snatch that nigga up in my sleep. You wouldn't have even a thought or afterthought. I don't need to play you because I would've cut this shit the moment my feelings for him got stronger."

  "Like the fuck I said, I did not know the nigga was gonna be there. I thought it was you. Now that you mention it, I'm glad it wasn't you." I snapped. "Nothing good ever comes from you." he simply said as that one sentence cut me deep. "What?" I said as my voice cracked. "You heard what I said. Nothing good ever comes from you. Ever since I've been talking to you, my life has been filled with unnecessary drama and bullshit." he said. "You got me fucked up! Your life wasn't going exactly perfect before I came into the picture. YOUR FUCKING EX GIRLFRIEND FUCKED YOUR BEST FRIEND AND GAVE TWO FUCKS ABOUT YOU SEEING HER DO IT! Spare me that bullshit you about to spew out your mouth. Don't switch up now motherfucker. I wished he would've knocked your dumb ass out since you talking all this dumb shit." I said pissed. 

  "Yeah defend your boyfriend." he said as he stood there. "You know what's crazy, I literally let my entire guard down for you only for you to try to turn shit around. I'm just gonna go to my room before I say some shit that I might regret." I said as I bumped past his ass and walked into the room. It's nice to know how he really felt. I heard my guest room door slam as I instantly jumped up. "Slam my motherfucking door again Derrick. Imma slam you into the bitch and make you pay for it." I said as he just looked at me. His eyes was glossy and so was mine. He grabbed me and pulled me on to the bed. "Get off me." I cried. I literally cried. I looked at him and he was doing the same. He finally let me go as I left and went to my room.

  I made sure to lock the door before laying down and crying my eyes out. 

It's safe to say that this relationship is over. Hello heartbreak.             

*Sigh* This was emotional for me.





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