Prologue: Reunions and New Romances

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Prolouge: Reunited and New Romances

a/n: WOW it seems like it has been ages since I've last gone in this book. Just a little editing job, nothing to it really. Hope you enjoy.

Third Person's pov:

A warm summer's day was upon the Borrow gracing our heroes with cool winds and the blazing heat of the sun. Ginny sat out on the fields of wild grass merely reading a book with a mild sense of interest as the winds blew through her red hair. Harry had gone out earlier that afternoon to meet with Kingsley Shcklebolt, the new Misnister of Magic, he had told them he'd be back before dinner. Ginny had thought about the past few days that they had spent together, it made her summer blissful but a thought struck her mind. 'When will he ask me?', the idea of being his girlfriend again was like a fresh splash of water to her face.

A faint pop announced someone's arrival, Ginny gasped as she felt hands covering her eyes, "Guess who?" A familiar voice asked with a playful tone, "Let me guess... the chosen one, the bestest friend a girl could ask for." Replied Ginny now smiling, "Harry James Potter!" She said as Harry took his hands off her eyes, "Good afternoon Gin. I see you have caught some reading habits." He greets with a grin seeing the book she was holding, "If you say so. How was your meeting with Kingsley?" She replied as they walked across the field, "Well he offered me a position in the auror office, but I declined and he accepted my reasons, he proposed another deal which I will reveal when we revive our Hogwarts letters." Harry informed as the red head just smiled, "Why did you decline?" Harry went to a halt and stood facing her.

"I wanted to finish my studies and earn my NEWTs, I wasn't ready to leave Hogwarts yet. And because I couldn't leave a certain red haired girl for quiet a long time." He answered, "Ginivra Molly Weasley will you give us a second chance?" He asked looking into her eyes, hope flashing in his own, "Harry James Potter of course I'll give us a second chance!" She exclaimed pulling him in for a hug, she laughed as he carried her off the ground and spun her around. He soon placed her back down, leaning down their foreheads touching as he stopped half way their lips mere inches apart, Ginny's hand reached for his jaw pulling him closer they soon melted into a sweet kiss. Harry's arms warped around her waist as he held her closer, her other hand reaching to his shoulders. They pulled away Harry caressing her cheeks tenderly, the fact that the sun was setting made the entire moment seem like a romantic scene you'd see in a movie.

Then the green boy took out a wrapped box from his pocket and gave it her, the ribbon was gold while the wrap was a simple lilac color. Ginny smiled and untied the ribbon and carefully unwrapped the package, she gasped as she saw the glass jewelry box and inside the glass was a rose gold bracelet, her name engraved onto it in fancy script writing. Harry opened the box and took out the bracelet and clasped it around her left wrist. She stared at it and looked into his eyes, she pulled him in for another kiss as the stars shun above them.

"We better head in before dad gets here." Ginny said as they pulled away, "Yeah and its nearing dinner too!" Replied Harry as they walked on the pathway leading to the house, "Good evening de... oh Harry it's good to see you, when did you arrive?" Greeted Molly as she bustled in the kitchen, "Just a few hours ago Mrs. Weasley. The meeting with Kingsley went well." He informed the matron who smiled noticing the bracelet around her daughters wrist, "Well then you must tell us all about it during dinner then, Arthur and George will be here soon." She said turning back to the stove as the couple moved to the sitting room.

They saw Ron and Hermione cuddling on the couch, as they listen to the radio, "Hello to you both!" Greeted Harry as he and Ginny sat on the love seat, "Harry your back! Hey there mate, how was you meeting with Kingsely?" Asked Ron who smiled at his best mate and sister's linked hands, "It was good, I'll be telling you guys over dinner." Answered the black haired boy, "So your back together then." Stated Hermione with a smile, "Yes we are I think mum noticed too, but she didn't give a comment about it." Said Ginny showing her best friend the bracelet Harry had given her, "This is a beautiful and thoughtful gift Harry, good choice." Said the older girl smiling at the couple who smiled back.

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