Chapter 13: We've Found You

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a/n: Hey guys acc... Diffendo(upcoming death eatter) whew these scum bags yeah. As I was saying accroding to the number of chapters in this book seven more chapters 'til the end.

This chapter is dedicated to @Accio-HarryPotter thanks for the follow back, fellow wattie. *smiles*

(The next Morning)

Harry's pov:

It was early morning the bright rays of the sun had woken me from my sleep, I trugged off of my bed and took a warm shower, the weather wa still cold and chilly. I emerged fom the bathroom and got dressed for the day, Ron wasn't on the bed maybe he had gotten up early and headed to the great hall.

I went down and the stairs leading to the common room, "Well good morning to you sleepy head." Greets Ron's voice teasingly.

"Oh shut it you. Anyways I thought you were in the great hall." I tell him smiling as I pushed the red haired boy playfully.

He chuckles, "Nevill and Seamuss decided to take my post today." He says grinning, "So let's head down for breakfast. I am starving." He adds running to the portait hole.

I laughed at his childish actions as I followed him out the common room, we walked through the corridors until we reached a huge set of doors leading through the great hall.

"Look who decided do join the party!" Hollers Seamuss from the sineor end of the Gryffindor table as we approached them.

Ron laughed, "This sleeping beatuy decided to sleep a little longer." He teased chuckling, "Now let's eat!" He shouts as he grabs some meat rolls and stuffs them in his mouth.

We all had had good laugh about his actions, "I'm surpised he hasn't suffered from obisity." Teases Ketie with a laugh.

"And I am surpised Harry doesn't suffer a nevious breakdown." Nevill utters chuckling, "With all the worrying you do."

We all laughed it felt good though, "Well Ron wouldn't be Ron without his huge appatite and Harry wouldn't be Harry without his worring." Pointed out Anothony Goldsteen who had over heard the converstion.

The students all headed out to their calsses exept the seventh years. Though some of the seniors stood up and went through the doors, while some had stayed. I didn't have any classes to handle today.

"So what do we do know?" Asked Hanna who walked over to us along with Luna, "Have w..." But Luna was cut off when a silver Otter apeared on top of the table.

"Hermione." Whispered Ron smiling widely

We sat around it and listened to the message, 'To Harry, Ron or any of the DA who might recieve this message. Ginny and I are in Little Hllington in the Riddle House, Darco's here as well. Come quickly and bring as much back up as you can! Hemrione.' Then it desolves as the message finished.

A chill ran down my spine, 'Why the Riddle House of all places?' I asked myself. Then I said to them, "Of all places it had to be Little Hillington and in the Riddle House no less." I was fumming by now.

Ron's eyes galzed with realization, "Isn't Little Hillington the place where the grave yard..." He trails off as I nodded, "Blimey Harry in fourth year that's where Voldemort killed..." Adds in Nevill eyes widening in horror.

"As much as I hate that place we need to go there an save them. We'll apearate there together later today and find the girls." I tell them my words were met with curt nods."

"Okay so Anthony, Luna, Nevill and Hanna go to Professor Mcgonagall and tell her the news. Seamuss and Katie come with me to the common room and we'll get some extra suppiles." Ron said smiling deviously at that last bit, "While Harry sends a message to the girls, tell them we're coming mate." He adds.

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