Chapter 9: Time Flies by... but Wait What?

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Chapter 9: Time Flies by... by Wait What?!

a/n: I'll skip on a little bit, this chap is set two weeks our young heroes return to Hogwarts. Their NEWTs are fat approaching, Quidditch matches are coming soon and surprise celebrations are brewing. Of course there is the Christmas Holidays, it'll be an interesting chapter.

Ron's pov:

It had been two months since we've gone to Hogwarts, blimey how time flies by. Our NEWT's are coming in a week wow that's a lot to take in, it's been weeks and weeks of revision classes, trips to the library and late night studying in the common room. Today is one of those day it's a Friday and we've got the afternoon off, so we decided to stay in the great hall for some studying.

All most forgot about the day to day Quiddish practices with the Gryffindor team, but due to the cramped schedules it was all most impossible to practice lucky for us Professor Mcgonagall made it less of a problem, being that she is a huge Gryffindor supporter.

"This in my opinion is the fastest year I have ever attended in Hogwarts." Says my sister huffing in dismay, "Yet I am only taking four exams this year." She says happily.

Harry nods, "Yes you are that's the least in number." He tells her while tuning a page of his Potions book, "How many NEWT's are you taking Hermione?" He adds questioning the bushy haired girl.

Hermione looks up from her rolls of parchment, "I am taking six NEWT's." She informs us.

We all looked at her in shock, "SIX?!? What subjects are those?" I asked her wide eyed, this people is my girlfriend a very productive school girl yet she is also deadly smart.

"Let's see... Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms..." She tails off scanning her list, "Ancient Ruins, Potions and Care for Magical Creatures." She concludes looking back down at the mess of parchment.

Ginny shakes her head in disbelief, "How in Merlin's beard does she manage this?!?" She asks waving a hand at the mess on the table.

Harry and I grin at her, "That's just Hermione" We both said in unison laughing, "Mind you she did take a few extra classes back in third year. And that was more then this year." Harry remind me and Ginny.

"Oh yeah she did and half the time she wouldn't be there and the other half the time she would be." I tell them reminiscing the memory, "I thought I had gone absolutely metal that year. Until I you told me about the time turner Professor Mcgonagall gave her." I say grinning.

Then we continue studying for our NEWT's in comfortable silence either reading a book, writing notes on a parchment or also testing one another. I saw a familiar figure approach us, it was Professor Mcgonagall.

"I see you're all studying for your NEWT's." Observes our headmisteress with a slight smile, "Come with me to my office we'll have a chat." She adds walking to the doors of the great hall.

We all looked at each other and stood up to follow her. I think we were all thinking the same thing 'What could this be?' Once we reached the gargoyle Harry said the password and we climb the entrance.

"Ah come in and take a seat." Welcomed Professor Mcgonagall warmly.

Then we saw Hanna, Nevill, Seamuss, Luna and Katie, but that's not what shocked us all. What really surprised us was the fact that the Minister of Magic was here.

"Pleaseure to see all, hope your all having a great last year." Says Kingsley Shaklebolt, "Please sit down we have something to tell you lot." He adds smiling kindly at us.

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