Romione Before the Ball

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a/n: This is a short filler on how Ron asked Hermione to the Ball, guys. It's full of Romione fluff and cuteness, felt like this story and use some of it. Now on with the chap!!!

This chapter is dedicated to @NOT_THE_PILLOW_PET. Hahaha nice name fellow watty.

Hermione's pov:

I went down the common room and Ron wasn't there and the place was not filled with students. 'Where is everyone???' I asked myself for it wasn't really that often for the Gryffindor Common Room to be this desserted.

Then I noticed there was note stuck to the couch, 'This is where we met fluffy. Alohamora!' Was all it said.

I thought about this, then something cicked the thrid floor. I quickly ran out of the Gryffindor common room and ran to the third floor. I saw the door where Harry, Ron and I hid in our first year. Another note was stuck on the door, 'And so the game begins, hahaha.Where you spent most of your time in Second year. Polyjuce Potion." This one was easy the library and so I ran.

As I entered the area I saw Madam Prince the lybrarian then went to the shelf where I found the information on how to brew Polyjuce Potion. A note was stuck on the book, 'Where Harry faced Sirius in third year.Expelliarmus!" Let's see the Shricking Shack?

I went strait to the Wompping Willow and did the spell to stop it from moving, I slid inside and found the place where we first met Sirius there was a note stuck to the piano, 'Ah how smart you are *winks*. 'Where we spent most of our time in Fith and Sith year on Hosmade Trips. Expecto Patronum!' The Three Broomsticks so I wlked my way there.

The path guided by pink roses as I followed them I found myself infront of the pub, as I wlked in I saw more roses leading to a table in the quiet side of the premises, on the table was a bouquet of pink roses, but where was Ron??? As I sat there I saw movent from the corner of my eye.

Then I noticed one last notes stuck to one of the roses, 'Look behind you, beautiful." It siad and so I tuned my head to a dark coner, then he apeared.

"Hello love." Greeted a man with a mop of Red hear and sticking blue eyes, "How did you enjoy the hunt?" Asked Ron as he sat down across from me smilng.

I smiled at him, "Oh Ron it was intresting but not that hard." I tell him gigglling, "How did you come up with this?" I asked as the food arrived.

"Ah it was an intresting story really. While you girls were out of the Common Room last Wednesday me, Harry, Seamuss and Nevill were brain storming on Ideas of how to ask our significant other to the ball." Says Ron smilng, "Nevill came up with the idea to place notes on paricular places where we had shared a lot of memories, Seamuss had the the thought of the flowers, while Harry was following you in his invisibility clock and waited 'til you were by the door to tell me to hide." He tells me.

Wow these boys really made the effort for this, "How did you know the pink roses were my favorite?" I asked suspisiously.

He blushed, "Ginny told us." He stated simplely

We ate in comfortable silance Ron looking at me with a nervious smile every now and then. Once the we finished and the food was taken from the table Ron stood up a little unsteadily, he walked up too me and offered his arm out.

"Shell we take a walk?" He asked his voice shaking.

I looked at him worryingly, "Ron are you all right?" I questioned, yet also taking his arm.

He gave me a cute smile in reply, "'Mione I am perfectly fine." He tells me as we walked out of the pub and to the Sweet's shop.

Once we entered I started to look through the assortment of sweets. Then a man in a trench cote enterd the shop and walked up to me.

"Pacage for Ms. Granger?" He asked handing me a white box, "You have a great day." Said the man.

I opened the box an gasped in surprise it was a a floral pick dress, knee length with dashes of blue all over.

Now I was really confused I couldn't see Ron anywhere, 'Where did he go?' I wondered to myself. I tuned arround then to see a banner that said 'Go to the dance with me?' Ron was standing near a barell.

"Hemione Jean Granger will you allow me to do the honers of escourting you to this years's Holloween Ball?" He asked as he approched me anxiously

I looked into his stunning elecric blue eyes feeling happy tears in my own, "OH RONALD YES! YOU MAY ESCOURT ME TO THE BALL!" I yell out in sheer happiness, "This is so cheesy, Weasley." I added as he spins me around laughing.

Ron ginned as he placed me down, "But you love it don't you, Grager." He teases carrying me bridal style out of the shop and back to the castle.

I did love it all of it. First it was the mystery, then the surprise, then ti was th cute cheesy moment. And to think he had help I would have to thank those boys later. And well I love Ronald Billious Weasley.

Awwww that was so adorable!!! Hahaha tell me what you think guys, A short story about how Ron asked Hermione to the ball. Who was that man though? Was it anyone of the boys or was he just a random man who sent the dress to Hermione?

Oh and the little notes idea was inspired by LGLWardy.

Video: Love Someone by Jason Mraz

Picture: Herione's dress

Till Next Time.


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