Chapter 20: Peace in the Light of Dawn

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a/n: Hey guys this is the last chapter before the end, this story has went by so fast. Accio Pen! *pen flies into my hand*. Thanks for your unwavering support guys really, you peeps deserve as much dedications as the support you've giving this story. Thus the sequel is born, if you didn't get a dedication on this story you'll get one for the sequel!

Dedicated to @grad_forge4ev4 Read her Hinny fan fic guys; titled I Lost You Once ,Never Again.

Third Person:
The next few months after Romione's engagement was full of celebrations and preparations for their wedding. Now today's the day they finally... oh what's the term teens use these days 'get hitched', *winks*ahahaha!!! And on this beautiful spring day they say their vows to tie the knot at last.

The girls have taken their place inside the kitchen of Shell's Cottage, doing their hair and make-up, while the boys have taken place in a tent near the coast of the beach. Now let's take a quick look at how the Groom is doing, shell we.

"Ron there is no way she's gonna run form this!" Says George Weasley in a expressed sigh, "Your more nervous then Harry bro, relax an breath." Advised Charlie putting a hand on his youngest brother's shoulder.

Ron takes a shaky breath and gives out a shy smile, "Sorry guys I am just really anxious about this wedding that's all." He says shaking his head, "It's Hrmione after all."

Harry gives him a warm smile, "And you've known her as long as I have Ron, she's ready to Marry you." He says happily, "Bloody hell she's been ready since fourth year imagine that will you!" Adds the best man chuckling at the thought.

All the Weasley brothers laughed at this, "See Ronald you have nothing to worry about, knowing her she's probably thinking you're going metal in here!" Exclaims Bill laughing.

Though Harry knew that's what Hermione is actually thinking inside the kitchen, he laughed along these two were total opposites but they were a perfect pair. This was the peace that they deserved after years of war and darkness our characters had finally found the light of happiness, this is just the beginning of it though. But I won't get a head of myself just yet *winks, then laughs*

(The Ceremony)

As the crow awaited for the bride's arrival Ron looked up to the skis hoping he wouldn't mess this up. The music started and the lines got out first the flower girls, then the bares, then the groom's men and bridal party. As soon as Harry and Ginny had made their way though the isles Harry whispered to Ron.

"She looks stunning Ron! You've got an angel right by you." Says Harry smiling.

True to the words said by his best man, just as Hermione walked through the isles Ron was breathless. For she indeed looked stunning, with her baby blue wadding gown and her lightly placed make-up. Ron was sure that he saw an angel instead of a young woman standing in front of him.

The reverend smiled a the couple, "Dearly Beloved we are here to witness the marriage of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Their love found in the middle of war, that is truly a miracle wrapped up in a tragedy. They have been through wand and fire yet they always find their way to each other's arms." He says as the crowd nods.

The lovely couple looked at each other and smiled, Harry who saw the burst of happiness and Hermione's eyes was bursting with happiness his heart burst with pride and joy for his two best friends, Ginny who also saw the same light in Ron's eyes couldn't be happier for her brother and now sister in law. Harry and Ginny were both very happy for their friends.

"Do you Hermione Jean Granger take Ronald Bilious Weasley through times good or bad and in sickness or in health to be you husband?" Asked the reverend, "I do" Answered the bushy haired girls.

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