Chapter 12: Troubled Peace

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a/n: Srupify!!!*upcoming death eater*. Hey guys boy these death eaters they don't stop coming, so anyways Ginny and Hermione have gone missing uh oh. Ron and Harry are distraught and they want their girlfriends back. Let's see what happens.

Dedicated to @abcde1987 her story Memories of a Red Headed Which is phenomenal. I recommend this story for those who haven't read it yet.

Harry's pov:

### VISION ###

I stood in a place that seamed familiar to me, but I can't pin my finger to where.

"Bring them here." Ordered the voice of Lucias Malfoy

Just then Grayback dragged in Ginny and Hermione to what looked like a living room, "Here they are Lucais." Says the foul excuse for a wherewlof.

"And boy did there boyfriends put up a fight." Chimes in Rondulffs Lestrange smirking.

Ginny looks up at Lucais with her signature death glare, "What do you want with us you scum." She spat at him, "Why don't you just give up and accept that you lost?!?" Questions Hermione angrily.

Lucias laughs in amusment, "Aren't you a feisty one Weasley?" He teases touching her cheek with his fingers making her shiver in disgust, "We haven't last yet you filthy mud-blood." He says facing Hermione

My anger flared up at his words, how dare he insult them like that. Yet I couldn't do anything.

"Um yeah you have without your beloved master your nothing but foul, loathing, evil, little cockroaches." This comment made me chuckle that's what she told Draco during third year, "Your time to rule is over so why don't you just give up." She challenges.

"Why you filthy little... Crusio!" Says Lucias in a annoyed tone, "That'll teach you to be a smart mouth." He remarks.

Ginny's eyes suddenly watered at the sight of Hermione being tortured, "NO STOP PLEASE!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" She yells out in agony.

"You want to join her blood traitor." Lucias taunts chuckling dakrly, "Crusio!" He says.

Ginny's screams made my heart wrench and my eye were burning with tears. I looked a way unable to watch any more.


I woke up in cold sweat unable to grasp at what I had just dreamed, Ginny and Hermione being tortured by that shameful excuse of a wizard. It took me sometime to realize that I was in the Private Common Room I had shared with Ron who was sound a sleep on the other bed.

I got up reached for my glasses and checked the time it was only 6 am so I went down to the common room and sat on the couch deep in thought. How could I have let this happen to Ginny and Hermiome this is all my fault. Damn death eaters for not accepting their defeat and moving on.

"Harry is that you?" Asked the voice of Nevill who sat across from me.

"Morning Nev. How did Ron and I get up here?" I asked as I realized that Ron and I couldn't have gotten up here all by ourselves 'cause we were both shot with spells.

Nevill gave me a smile, "Well we had found you in the full body bind and Ron stunned neer the Three Broomsticks. I was with Seamuss, Jack and Anthony so we carried you guys up here." He explained, "Me and Seamuss hooked each for your arms on our shoulders while Ron was carried by Jack and Anthony. We didn't see Hermione and Ginny anywhere so we thought they must have been captured, 'cause you and Ron also looked like you've had a fight." He said insight fully.

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