Chapter 8: Studies and Quiddich

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Chapter 8: Studies and Quidditch

a/n: We're flying over here on this chapter guys! Let us see whats up with these guys.

Harry's pov:

It was ten minutes past six in the morning, the blazing light of a new day graced out private room with its brightness, I looked over to see Ginny snggled next to me still a sleep. I carefully untangled myself for her arms, as to no wake her and walked into the bathroom, after a quick and refrreshing shower I changed into my pants and white shirt. When I got out I went to the walk in closet to get my vest when I felt slender arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Greets Ginny's sweet voice, "Good morning, princess." I greet back turning and wrapping my arms around her waist, "Sleep well?" She asked smiling, "Yes, very well. I see its the same for you." I replied leading down to plant a kiss on her lips, "Why don't you go get changed and I'll wait for you." I suggested as she helped me put on my vest and she also tied my tie, "Alright." She says walking to the bathroom.

I heard the shower turn on and sat on the ram chair by the fire place, there was a copy of the Daily Profit I fliped through it seeing the latest news, looks like it was all good. Checking up the sports page Quidditch season had began and looks like Ireland was beating Copetetion again this year, with Bulgaria close behind. Looks like the Harppies are also on for a great season. Ginny will be over the rocks with this news!

I heard the bathroom door open, "Shall we go?" She said walking over to me as I stood from my place, "After you mi lady." I said in a posh accent, "Always the gentleman." I just smiled at her remark as we walked out of our room, "Well this is the whole crowd." Ginny said walking to the portrait hole, "Alright you lot, line up according to your year! Nice and orderly now!" She ordered, I spotted Anna and called her over, "Harry! Ginny! Good Morning!" She greeted hugging both of us, "Morning to you Anna! Ready for today?" I greeted back smiling warmly at the eager first year, "Sure am!" She exclaimed, "Where are Ron and Hermione?" I asked looking around for my two best friends, "Oh they went on a head, they told me to tell you that they had to talk with professor Slughorn." I nodded and petted her shoulder.

We all walked our our way to the Great Hall, one we got there we all sat in our respective places, "Good morning you two." Ron greeted with a nervious smile, "Cheer up Ron! Its Quidditch trials today!" Seamuss said patting Ron on the shoulder, "Yeah I am sure you'll get the spot, right Harry?" Hermione chimed looking at me, "I am not going to let Cormac in, that's for sure! Ron you're the best Keeper this team's got, that's the truth mind you." I said and there's that confindent smile, "Maglanden can't pitch a baseball! I swear he's gonna be the punch line at the end of a joke." Said Ginny.

We all laughed it was true, for Cormac Magladen was all talk and no actual game. We continued eating our breakfast until the bell rang and it was time for classes, I had a fith year class for first period and they were alreadu lined up. I gave Ginny a quick peck on the lips, then walked to them.

"OI! Don't be late for try outs today, captain Potter!" She called in a playful wraning tone, "Can't promise you anything, Weasley!" I yelled back winking at her direction and she giggled.

{Time Skip: 11 am Qutidditch Trails}

After my Second period with the frist years, I changed into some jeans and took off my vest, and I took off to the pitch to meet up with my friends for the try outs. I saw Ginny there, no one else had come, maybe they're still getting ready.

I decided to get her atention, "Ginivra!" She looked around befor her eyes set on me and a smirk plastered on her face, "You know I love it when you say my name." She said and I raised a brow, "I thought you hate it when pepole call you by Ginivra." I replied as I wrapped my arms around her waist, "I guess you are the excaption." She says pulling me into a kiss her lips tasted like straeberries with a hint off pumpkin juice, "Your so beautiful, Gin." Her cheeks feel warm I knew she was blushing, "Thank you, my handsome Harry." She said pulling away a giggling a little, "I love the fact that I could make you blush and giggle like that." I teased with a smirked, "And I love how your such a tease Mr. Potter. I love you." She said with a smile, "I love you too Ms Wealey. Lets go get the stuff the team coming over." I said pointing to the entrance hall.

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