Chapter 16: Valentines Cheesiness and Proposals

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a/n: Hey guys four more chaps 'til the end *cries* it's all most the end. I really had fun writing this story guys *grins widely*. On with this chapter...

Dedicated to @Ginny_Weasley7, thanks for the support, mate *smiles*. Read her story titled I Love You, Always and Forever all you Hinny shipers out there.

(Time Sikp: Valentines Day)

Hermione's pov:

It's Valentine's Day I am so excited, 'wonder what Ron's gonna do today?' I asked in thought. It was 7:30 in the morning and everyone was in the great hall eating breakfast today. Harry who had just enteredd the hall approached us and took his seat beside Ginny after gaving her a lingering kiss.

"So guys any plans for today?" Asked Anthony smiling at us.

Harry faced Ginny and smiled, "Meet me at the lake later after lunch I have a surprise for you." He tells her while winking at Ron who just gave him a knowing smile.

"Alright Harry." Ginny replied confused with their exchange.

Ron who smiled at his sister's confusion faced me, "Wanna walk around Hogsmade after breakfast?" He asked me, "We can have lunch in Hogshead Inn." He suggested after a thought.

I smiled brightly at him, "Sure Ron I would love too." I tell him.

Katie smiled at us, "Looks like it's gonna be couple's day today then. Nevill and Hanna are going out to Diagon Alley while Seamuss and I are also going somewhere." She tells us.

We all nod at her words, I mean it's Valentine's Day after all. But I am curious about what Harry had planed for Ginny and it seems like Ron knows about this, 'I'll have to ask him later.' I thought to myself. After breakfast we all headed our separate ways and planed to meet in the room of requriements for a special occasion according to Harry.

<With Romione in Hogsmade>

Ron's pov:

I am planing to ask Hermione to move in with me, what she didn't know was the I had already bought a flat during the Holidays. I had asked my perants if I could move out they were overjoyed though my mum cried and said she'll miss having me around, though Ginny will still live in the burrow it'd be different without me.

As we walked passed the shops in Hogs made I looked at Hermione who looked like she was deep in thought, we were heading to Hogshead Inn to visit Ablefourth Dumbledore.

After a moment of silence Hermione asked, "What's Harry planning for Ginny?" The question didn't get me by surprise, I guess Harry forgot to tell her with everything that had happened lately.

"His is planing to propose to her." I told her as I ginned, "We were talking about that with George when we went to WWW on out way to by the dress robes." I add

She had an overjoyed expression on her face, "Oh my merlin that's wonderful! Ginny will be so thrilled at the news!" She exclaims happily, "How come he never told me?" She asked as realization dawned on her.

"He was gonna tell you 'Mione, I guess he just forgot with all the things that have been going on lately; the Holidays, the Dean incident during New Year's Eve, you and Gin getting captured." I explained to her as we entered the pub, "But he really wanted to tell you though."

She nods her head, "That's understandable." She says smiling

I took out a chair for her before sitting across, the waiter came to get our order.

"Oh Hermione, Ron good to see you!" Exclaimed Parvati Patill who smiled at us, "It's been a while."

We smiled at her, "It's only been a month Parvati, how are you?" States Hemione laughing, "And it's great to see you too."

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