Chapter 14: The End of Darkness

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a/n: Hey guys I am back again, six more chapter 'til this ends guys. Let's see what happens

This chap is dedicated to @Hinny_Quidditch07_06 thanks for the support fellow wattie *thumbs up*.

Hermione's pov:
There we sat watching on top of the backs of Ron and Harry while Draco had unknowingly disappeared from his spot. The battle was still raging on spells were being fired everywhere, "Stupify!" I heard a voice say and the spell hit Lucais from the back.

"Bloody... Draco just stunned his father." Said Ginny gaping in shocked, "Always the tone of surpise?" Asked Nevill who appeared in front of us.

Ginny and I laughed while Ron and Harry shook their heads at his words, "Merlin's beard are you both riding on a wolf and a cheetah?" Said Katie her eyes widening, "Yeah they are and those are Harry and Ron." Says Draco walking to us.

"They're quite very graceful." Stated Ginny as Harry walked out of our hiding spot followed by Ron, "Wow I didn't know they could transform into..." Said Seamuss trailing off in Amazement.

"Ms. Granger, Ms. Weasley glad to see your alright!" Boomed a delighted Kingsley, "And I see Harry and Ron have surprised you all." He adds shuckling.

Ron and Harry suddenly sank back down indicating that we should get down, Ginny and I did as they wished. As we got off they transformed back into human form dusting themselves off.

"Well that was fun wasn't it." Said Harry with a lopsided grin, "Oh and thanks for the complement Draco." He adds smiling at the blond hair boy who smiled back at him, "Your welcome Potter, it was truly a sight to see." Said Draco chuckling.

Ginny giggled, "You make a good pet Harry." She said teasingly, "Yeah mate you'll make great guard dog." Teased Ron who was laughing.

Harry pushed Ron playfully, "Shut it Ron you were no different." He fires back laughing a long with us, "Oh and thanks for messing my hair Gin." He says winking playfully at Ginny who blushed.

"It was so soft how I could it not touch it!" She exclaimed laughing at he own reaction.

Kingsley laughed to our exchange, "It's great to see kids laugh and I dear say we all need a good laugh. Now why don't you kids go back to Hogwarts and enjoy your last school year." He says with a smile, "The aurors will handle this, let's just say these villains are going to be rotting away in Azcaban for a long time." He adds.

We all smiled at him and nodded in agreement and apearated on the spot, we soon found ourselves in the grounds of Hogwarts near the gate leading to Hogsmade. We all dusted ourselves.

"It must be time for dinner right now, so shell we head in and eat?" Said Seamuss grinning as he an Katie lead the way to the great hall, "I thought you'd never ask." Said Ron following them while pulling me a long.

Draco's pov:
(This is my first writing in his point of view, see how it goes. Oh and I have a song that fits this part.)

As I watched Ron and Hemrione leave I couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle, they really were an unexpected couple yet at the same time they were inseparable. Then I face Harry who was smiling at me.

"Why don't you hang out with us on Saturday Draco?" He asked uncertainly, "We'll be in the Three Broomsticks." He adds sure this time.

Ginny looked at me instantly as if trying to read my emotions, I felt this warm feeling inside of me like I could finally be Happy.

I nodded then smiled, "Sure why not, oh and thanks for saving me Harry." I said putting my hand out for him so shake.

He shook my hand and smiled back, "Ah there's nothing to it Draco, if it's worth anything you didn't deserve that at all." He tells me with a genuine tone in his voice, "Your dad was wrong to force you to be a death eater, he was blinded by power and power he forgot how to love. He chose power over his family, but you still have a chance to turn your back on it and I think that's a good thing, yeah."

Ginny looks up at Harry then at me, "Harry's right power can blind people, if your not wise enough to resist it you'll be suck up and may never return to your original state." She says grinning at me, "You've still got a chance to find your own way Draco and find it right." She adds

I just nodded as they walked their way to the great hall for dinner, 'They're right you should turn your back on power look what it got Voldemort... and your father into. Set things to rights and find your own way to your future.' I thought to myself as I stood there facing the entrance to the great hall.

I thought it over my head and have decided to change my ways completely, turn my back on my family's evil, misunderstood ways and clear the Malfoy name for the better. And I walked to the great hall with a new goal and that is to help the world heal and mend the bonds torn by evil and greed.

Third Person's pov:

The great hall was a din of noise as all the students slowly filed in for dinner, some noticing the return of the DA from their recent trip. Our young heroes were discussing about their recent adventure.

"How did you guys plan out our rescue?" Asked Hermione curiously.

Seamuss grinned, "Well first off we appearated in the grave yard we brought a pack of joke products with us, Harry and Ron's pack had some poyjuce potions in them so we used them. Nevill and I apearated around the house to check who was guarding the doors, when we returned to the grave yard Katie and Hanna went under the disillusionment charm and stunned the two female guards and took their places." He explained.

"Then we notified the others that the coast was clear through petronus message, Harry and Ron went under the invisibility clock and walked to the back of the house stunned the two guarding the dungeon door, then got you guys out." Narrated Hanna

Ginny laughed, "Wow that's really is a full proof plan, who about the aurors." She said.

"Nevill sent them a patronus saying that were in place, while He, Luna, Seamuss and Anthony were waiting for them in the grave yard." Said Harry smiling, "They appearated in the grave yard, Kingsley asked us to show them the way, once we got to the house Katie and Hanna waved to us as their disguises were out, one of the aurors blew out the door and stunned Grayback and just when the rest of those evil scum bags were out we threw Peruvian instant darkness powder on the ground so they wouldn't be able to see us. That's when the battle started." Chimes in Luna.

"I knew you guys would you those bombs. They are pretty effective though." Says Hermione shaking her head.

The group laughed as the weight of their current adventure slowly lifted form their shoulders, they could finally enjoy the peace they so rightfully deserve. Though they all know that this peace wound't last forever but they hoped it would last longer then what others think.

'Hope can guide us through the darkness if we believe in the light.' Sometimes it doesn't hurt to have a little hope, for this can save many from the side of darkness.

And that's wraps up chapter 14 guys, tell me what you think yeah. Looks like Draco is changing the course of Slytherin history for the better of it. What did you think of him stunning his father???


Ginny: Finally back in school!!! And Harry you an animagus...

Harry: Yeah and so is Ron, we didn't know we were until we transformed *smiles*.

Hermione: It's really a great sight to see, Ron makes a great cheetah.

Ron: *blushes*

Me: All rights of the Harry Potter world goes to JK Rowling.

Nevill: Thank Merlin there were no casualties in that battle *smiles*.

Draco: It's good to be out of the dark side once in for all *takes deep breath*

Hanna: Welcome to the light side Draco *smiles kindly*


Video: It's Not Right for You by The Script

Picture: Hanna Abbot.

Draco Malfoy taught us that all Slytherins are evil.


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