Chapter 15: Peace at Last... oh the Aftershocks

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a/n: Chapter count 5 more chaps 'til the end guys, hold on to your seats. So let's see what happens.

Dedicated to @Ginny_Weasely5 thanks for the support and follow too.

Ginny's pov:

It was a beautiful Thursday morning the blazing sun bringing heat into our privet quarters, waking me as it did I looked at Harry's side of the bed to see him sleeping peacefully this made me smile. It had been three days since the Harry, Ron and the DA had rescued us in Little Hillington. I got out of bed and went in the bathroom, after a refreshing shower I got out and changed into my school uniform.

I sat on the front of the bed thinking until I gelt two arms slide around my waist, "Morning beautiful." Greets Harry in his sexy morning voice as he kisses my neck.

I sigh at the contact, "Good morning Harry." I greet him back as I turn around and gave him long kiss good morning, then he pulls away smling while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'll take a bath then we can have breakfat yeah." He says jumping off the bed and heading to the bath room.

I decided to wake Hermione and my berother and tell them to change, Hermione and Ron went in the other bathroom while Harry emerged still buttoning his shrit, hair slightly wet he looked really hot. He looked at me and smirked, he called me over with a swift movement of his hand.

"Mind helping me out with this." He said metioning to the bottons and I nodded as I stared at his defined chest. After I finished buttonging his shrit I looked up to see him smiling.

He leaned down and kissed me I slid my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, he slid his hand over my hair. After a minute of snogging we pulled away panting.

"I love you so much Ginny." Harry says kissing me shortly then cressing my cheeks with his hand, "I hated the idea of you getting tortured by that horrible man." He adds sighing.

"I love you too Harry. And I know you did but I am here now you and Ron didn't let what else they were planing happen to me and Hermione." I said running my hand through his slightly wet hair, "You saved us and those scum bags are sentenced to a life imprisonment in Azcaban."

He nods smiling down at me, "Your right Gin, can I ask you something though." I nod siganling for him to go on, "Do you still get nightmares about it?" He asked looking at me with worried eyes.

I closed my eyes no wanting to make eye contact, "Yes I still do, it was just so horrible in there you know. I wake up in the middle of the night un able to sleep for hours." I answered honestly, I would never keep anything like this form Harry.

He hugged my tighter, "I get it Gin I do, I still get nightmares form the horcrux hunt. It'll pass though and in time it will just be a memory." He tells me with a tone of understanding in his voice, "Dumblebore once said to me, 'It does not do good to dwell on dreams. And forget to live.' That was back in my first year when I kept going back to the Mirror of Erised to see my parents. I didn't then." Htt admits.

I just stared at him noticing that he was right, these are just dreams I shouldn't think about them so much and forget to live my life. Soon maybe not today, not even tomorrow but soon they'll just be memories.

He smiles at me again, "Let's get down and lead the others to the great hall, shall we." He says offering a hand to me, "You wanna take a walk in the black lake fater classes later?" He adds in question.

I nod and take his hand, "I would love that Harry." I tell him as we walked out of the room.

The common room was buzzing with noise wen we got down so I took out my wand ind whipered, "Sounrus." I placed my on wand at the side of my neck, "Alright you lot get into two lines and be quite." I tell the. The noise ceased as the students formed their lines in order and kept there mouths shut.

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