Chapter 17: Easter Happiness and Our Final Days

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a/n: Three more chapters 'tll the end people. This journey really has been great I thank all of you for reading and voting on the chapters of this book. So I have decided to do a sequel for this for it, the info will be posted after the Epilogue.

Dedicated to @hogwarts-is-my-home8 read her HP Fanfic trilogy(Perfectly Imperfect, Deep Within the Soul and The Tales of Taylor Dainels) all greatly written books.

(Time Skip: The Easter Week)

Draco's pov:

Only a week more 'til we graduate and go to find our jobs, I've gotten closer to the golden trio and their friends and it feels right being on their side. It feels so light like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, I can finally walk without having to worry about carrying a reputation with me.

"Hey Draco wanna walk around Hogsmade with us?" Asks Harry smiling kindly down at me, "Yeah then hang around in the Three Broomsticks after awhile" Adds Ron.

I looked at Pansy and Balsie while they both nodded, "Sure why not, let's go." I tell them getting up from the Slytherin table, "It'd be fun to be out of their burning glares." Said Pansy pointing at the older Slytherin students.

"They'll get over it one way or another, though if they ever attack any one of us we'll be ready." Remarks Ginny who was smiling deviously, "I must agree with you Gin. They'll have to move on from this." Chimes in Hermione.

As we walked out of the great hall we were getting many weird stares from the older students of every house, I saw the head mistress smile from the corner of my eye.

"Minerva is happy that we've gotten over our differences and decided to bond in friendship." Informs Harry nodding to the staff table, "It does feel cleansing to be out of the evil side. The Slytherins were always considered the worse of the school because our family lines have done some unforgivable things." Says Balsie shaking his head.

Nevill nods in agreement, "Yeah that's true but you three are pretty much changing the course of Slytherin History." He points out, "No one is ever born to be good or evil, it just matters on what decision you make." He adds thoughtfully.

"'Tis not our abilities that make us who we truly are, but it is our choices." Says Harry who was deep in thought, "That sounds like something Dumbledore would say." Remarks Seamuss.

Hermione just smiled, "He had told Harry those exact words after he came back from the chamber on our second year." She tells us.

We walked around Hogsmade for a while then had lunch in the Three Broomsticks.

"Potter good to see you around and about." States Madam Rosemerda Jovially, "What may I get for you today?" She asked.

"12 glasses of butterbear please Madam Rosemerda." Answered Harry with a polite smile. We all ordered the food and she left to have them cooked.

I looked at Harry, "So how has it been the past few days, Harry?" His first name sounded foreign out of my name.

He was slightly shocked at the fact I addressed him by his first name but then he smiled, "It's been great Draco, it's really been a blast." He answers looking at Ginny, "Planing for the wedding and all, not to mention we're gonna graduate in a few days time."

"Too right you are Harry! Blimey doesn't time fly!" Exclaimed Ron who jumped up to his feet, "And to think I've been worried about my potions final." He adds laughing.

We all laughed at his expression, "Living in the past are we now, mate?" Said Harry raising a brow, "Oh Ronald that was you in first year." Chimes in Hermione shaking her head, while giggling.

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