Chapter 7: Back Safe and Sound

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Chapter 7: Back Safe and Sound

a/n: I can finish the edits in less then two weeks! Yes, some things stayed the same as the original I just tweaked it in some places.

Ron's pov:

A fight raged on the grounds of Malfoy Manor, spells being fired anywhere you look. Lucius looked like a mad man as he shot spells at Harry who calmly blocked every one of them, Grayback shot a spell at me I dodged it in time and shot a knock out jinx his way.

"We have to get out of here!" Yelled Hermione over the rampage, "How do you suppose will we do that?" Asked Luna as she stunned a death eater, "We won't be able to get to the gates or apperate in this situation." Said Nevill then Harry's eyes widened. He raised his wand high up in the sky and yelled, "ACCIO BROOMS!" Our brooms zoomed through the sky and landed on the clearest ground, "Harry you are a genius!" I said with a thumbs up as he grinned.

Neville got in front of us, "PORTIGO TOTALUM!" He yelled providing a shield that could last us until we leave the area, "Good one Nev." Hanna told him with a smile. We all mounted our brooms, Hermione getting on mine, while Luna got on Ginny's, Seamuss shared on with Katie, leaving Neville and Hanna to share Hanna's broom. We zoomed out of the area, the anguished voice of Lucius Malfoy behind us.

It was almost dinner by the time we arrived the school, the polyjuice potion was slowly wearing off Harry and I, we walked up to a chattering great Hall and sat on our places. We ate and laughed at the events that happened that day.

"I can't believe Aleceto actually thought Harry was Dolhov, that was so stupid!" Said Katie laughing, "Harry had some  acting skills I'd have to take him up for that." Said Seamuss with a grin, "Ron you stunned him, I saw Harry give you a look." I nodded as Ginny gave me a thumbs up, "Nice Idea with the brooms Harry." Complemented Hanna as Luna nodded, "We had to get out of them, I just thought flying was the best way to do it." Replied my best friend with a shrug. We all shook out heads this was just Harry's way of saying it wasn't just me.

Katie then spoke, "So what did I miss? Not too much I hope." She says looking around the table, "Well there was the welcoming address made by professor.. or should I say Headmistress Mcgonagall, our prefects are Hanna, Draco, Ginny and Richard. The heads of she student body are Ron and Hermione, while our Defense of the Dark Arts Professor is Harry." Informed Neville with a smile, "Harry you'll be an awesome DADA professor after all you did train the DA during my fourth year! Hermione I've always expected you to be Head Girl while Ron, you deserve it for the services you've done for this school. Ginny and Hanna you'd be the perfect perfects, after you guys practically lead the rebellions in Hogwarts last year!" We all grinned at her elaborated reasons, "Thanks so much Katie!" Hermione exclaimed smiling at the younger girl.

After dinner Harry and Ginny had been called to have a meeting with Professor Magonagall, I wonder what that would be about. So we bid them good bye as Hanna and Luna walked off to their houses, while Hermione and I had to patrol the entrance hall to check if no one was loitering around the grounds. Draco passed by the both of us giving a small wave, which I returned with a curt nod he really has changed over the weeks and I'd have to say I am thankful for it.

"Ron lets head for the Common room the hours is done." Hermione's voice said as I faced her, "Alright love." I said as I warped an arm around her shoulders while we walked, "I am glad that Katie is back, Seamuss was so devastated." She said starting a conversation, "Me too, 'Mione. Can't say I blame him though, that's how Harry felt when he left Ginny for the hunt. I felt that way to when I thought about you getting tortured during the hunt." I admitted it was the truth after all, "I know Harry felt the way, he did look at the Mraruaders Map making sure Ginny was always safe. It basically killed him to be away from her." She replied there was a short silence between us, "That was when I really saw how much he loved my sister, his eyes were always pained when ever the conversation went to Ginny. It was like his world got shattered right in front of him." I continued because that was how I remembered Harry during the hunt, those were dark times indeed.

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