They pulled up to the large house with loud music and many people rushing going inside the party, this wasn't Alexander's scene but Jeremy convinced him he's just lacking female interaction and being around other women would get his mind from her.

The party was loud with weed floating heavily in the air, a short black girl came up to them,

"You made it" she said throwing her arms around Jeremy's neck tipping toe forcing her breasts into his face, she let go to get a good look at him. She looked young probably about 19, but her outfit looked much more mature,

"Thanks for the invite. Cherise, this is my boy Alexander" he introduced him and she gave him a glance up and down before crinkling her face,

"You didn't tell me he was white." She chuckled "He's cute tho" she spoke as if he wasn't there, Alexander frowned at Jeremy trying to figure out what was going on,

"Does that change anything?" Jeremy asked trying not to make any eye contact with Alexander's angry stare,

"No it doesn't. DESTINY!" she shouted towards a more mature female who sat along the outskirts of the room, wearing a black mesh outfit, with black material hiding her modesty. She sauntered over to them swaying her hips seductively. She reminded Alexander of an intimidating sexy teacher from a high school movie.

"This is Jeremy's friend the one who needed to be shown a good time" Cherise purred and Destiny gave him a quick glance over, Alexander's jaw clinked under the woman's watchful eyes,

"Imma leave you two" Jeremy stated "Play nice" he said before following Cherise into the crowd,

"Hi, I'm Destiny"

"Alexander" he said dryly taking a seat by the bar,

"O nice to meet you Alex" she cooed sitting next to him,

"Alexander" he spoke staring at her aggressively,

"Awww don't be like that, I think Alex suits you" she smiled, then licked her lips drinking him down. His shirt fit snugly around his arms, fighting his bulging muscles,

"I told you my name is Alexander" he hissed and her eyebrows shot up,

"You need to relax Alexander, I'm just trying to have a good time like you" she caressed his bicep and he dragged his arm from her getting a quick scratch from her nails.

"Look I don't fuck whores" he said and it seemed he hit a nerve because she got up and stormed off.

Thank God.

Alexander was trying to get a drink from the bartender for about 20 minutes but the man just kept ignoring him, going to the other party goers,

"Yo! Can I get a beer?" he asked but the guy turned and walked away, he sucked his teeth, "I know you fucking heard me!" he shouted after him,

"Come on Darren get him a drink" Alexander turned to find Destiny behind him, the bartender shared a look with her before grabbing a beer for him,

"Thanks" he said bringing the Banks beer bottle to his mouth,

"It was my pleasure" she said winking and Alexander ignored her seductive walk once again.

After a few minutes, Alexander's vision became blurry,

What the fuck.

He thought trying to regain himself, but the more he tried the more his world around him faded away.


Anabella laid on the couch fast asleep when the sound of the door opening made her stir, she blinked trying to figure out where she was, when a rumbling behind her got her attention, in the darkness she saw to bodies rush into the kitchen tugging at each other's clothing furiously. Lynn and Michael kissed as he lifted her onto the kitchen counter, the smacking of his lips against her neck caused her to moan lightly,

"Mhmmm" she hummed as he dragged the front of her dress down, they didn't see Anabella as she sat quietly watching them from the living room. Anabella wanted to say something, anything, but the more they continued the more she found it hard to say a word.

"Yes!" Lynn erupted her head arched back wildly as Michael sucked feverishly on her nipple, Anabella tried to look away but her eyes just focused in the darkness on the sexual display. As he continued down her body, she found herself squeezing her legs together tightly as she too wished she was being pleased. He lifted her down from the counter and carried her to her bedroom door slamming her against the wall as they shared a hungry kiss. Michael fought with the door knob blindly and Anabella was pleased they would be out of her sight. Anabella sighed happily as she wasn't seen, suddenly her phone rang and Michael and Lynn knew they weren't alone.



Author's Note:

*Yawn!* I'm so sleepy right now but happy reading!!


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