My Gratitude And The Unexpected Secret.

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There was something cool, and damp, pressing against my forehead. My eyes half opened as a voice spoke above me. Two others chimed in.  All of them sounded concerned about me. But I never heard just what they were saying. Throughout the day I could feel a familiar coolness against my forehead. It was a relief from the overwhelming sensation that my body was on fire. I dozed off for a few hours. When my consciousness started to return a hand had touched my head to check my temperature. My hand reflexively grabbed theirs. I opened my eyes as my head slowly turned.

"What are you doing?" my voice cracked with a dryness.

"You're awake," a young man exclaimed. He had a sort of excitement to see me awake. "Let me get you some water."

"Aren't ya just an observant one."

"A thank you would be nice."

"An' just what would I be thanking you for?"

"Oh, you know, we saved you from certain death."

"I didn't know."  I paused taking the cup from him. A rush of cool water sated the scratch at the back of my throat. "Thank you for-"

A loud growling emanated from my stomach.  I couldn't tell if it was the fever, or embarrassment, that warmed my face. He gave a soft smile before walking to a nearby table. I pushed myself to a sitting position.  My entire body ached. He hurried back with a small plate he set on the chair. His hands reached toward me.

"Don't overdo yourself."

"I'm fine."

"Really? Gaius said you were malnourished. Not to mention the poison arrow in your shoulder.  Someone really didn't want you-"

"I don't want to talk about it. Where am I by the way?"


"I got here?" I sighed a breath of relief. It had been years since I had finally felt even slightly safe.  "I need to go."

"You need to rest." He sat in the chair next to the table. His hand the plate over to me.  "I'm Merlin by the way."

"Name's ____," I responded taking a bite out of the food.

"What happened to you?"

"Got picked up by some slave traders a few years ago. They raided my town.  They killed my mother and took me. I fought back every day since. It's the only reason I was never sold off."

I looked up noticing the pitied look on his face. It made me feel uncomfortable to see. I set the plate down and crossed my arms.  He leaned forward and placed his hand on mine.

"Don't-" I started.

The door opened. Merlin pulled away at my words. He sat up as an aged man walked in.  I narrowed my eyes watching him carefully. He walked over and replaced Merlin in the seat next to me.  After asking me a few questions he seemed happy to see that I was awake and well. But the good feeling didn't last.  Two guards appeared at the door.

"The king has requested her presence. He wanted to speak with her as soon as she woke up," they explained, "is she okay to head to the royal court?"

"I'm as good as I will be," I sighed, wondering if I was in trouble.

I stood up, a little wobbly, but made my way over to them.  Merlin tried to protest, but Gaius explained the situation to him. The guards marched on each side of me. The court physician and his apprentice shortly behind us.  We headed up a flight of stairs. I was exhausted just from walking up them. I was led down long corridors until we wound up at large, ornate wooden doors. They opened as I gulped at the scene inside.  All sorts of Nobility lined the throne room. Never in my life did I think I'd be meeting the king. On his left sat a young woman, she looked about my age; maybe a few years older. On his right stood a young man.  It didn't take a genius to figure out the older man with graying hair in the center was the king.  I didn't think I had done anything wrong. The guards ushered me forward. Everyone was staring at me. But I kept my head down, not looking at a single person. I must have looked absolutely ghastly, but they probably didn't know I was near death just a day ago. It was only a few moments before I stood, front and center, before the king. I never knew much about him.  The most my parents told me was that he hated magic. Luckily we didn't have any magic in our family that we were aware of.  I never casted a spell in my life, so it couldn't be that bad. I took a step closer and gave an awkward bow. My muscles felt as though they were going to tear apart. I grimaced as I tried to stand up straight.

Scion of Lost Magic (Merlin x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang