The Feast and Old Habits.

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Gwen strolled back into the room. My head shook Morgana's command from the front of my mind. They both smiled. Gwen placed the hairpin into my hair. I looked into a mirror to see a person I didn't recognize. Never would I imagine I would be wearing such a fine dress. Or that my hair would look so beautiful. Merlin was going to be in for a shock when he saw me. I wondered if Arthur was going to give Merlin a nicer set of clothes. My face went red as I thought of seeing him dressed in a formal outfit.

"Well, are you ready?" Gwen asked.

"As ready as I will be."

"It's a big night for you," Morgana smiled.

"It is, thank you for your hospitality."

Her command had slipped my mind. As far as I knew she was only being kind to me. Gwen walked beside me as we headed to the main hall. It was a shock to me that they even wanted to have the feast. But it wasn't in my honor. Rather it celebrated the death of a mage. We arrived to the doors to the main hall. Two guards stood by the door. My body halted at the door. So much grandeur. It was shocking how quick they changed the hall. Gwen stepped in and was right to work. I wondered if she ever took a proper day off. Morgana made her way to the head table. Gaius was sitting at a table to the right of where I stood. He caught a glimpse of me and gave a smile. Before I stepped into the room someone bumped into me. When I turned around I was ready to let the most country bumpkin side come out. Instead I saw Merlin standing behind me. He bowed in an instant.

"I am very sorry, I am looking for my friend," he apologized, he didn't even notice me.

"Good evening, fine sir. Would you be able to help me find my way to my date?" I smiled, trying to use the fanciest voice I could.

Merlin looked up to see me standing there. He stared with a slack jawed expression. My finger touched gently under his jaw, helping him close his mouth. Words stammered out of his mouth. None were too coherent.

"You look handsome, Merlin."

"You too. Not handsome. Pretty. No, erm, hi."


"You look really, erm," he rubbed the back of his head trying to think of a fitting word.

"Like a royal prat?" I joked.

"I was going to say breathtaking."


"But you do have a prat-like air about you, now that you mention it."

"What a charmer."

He extended his arm to me. My arm linked with his while we walked toward two free seats at one of the tables. Arthur nodded at us. Merlin grabbed two drinks for us. He handed me one. I stared at the drink for a moment. There was something scratching at the back of my head. A thought trying to come forward. But Merlin pulled me back to reality. He tapped his cup against mine.

"You seem a bit distant tonight. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. A bit out of it, I guess."

Merlin and I talked for hours. There was never a moment of silence between us during that time. In the past few years of captivity I forget how carefree I was. How much I loved to laugh. Merlin was funnier than I gave him credit for. Neither of us had a chance to unwind like this. It was nice. Music played, some people got up and danced. Merlin extended his hand to me. While ignoring my argument that I couldn't dance well, he led me to where the others were dancing. It was a mesh of the two of us stepping on the other's feet. The more noble dancers looked at us with vague disgust. We couldn't stop laughing. This was an amazing night. I wished it would never end. This was the life I wanted. My eyes scanned the room. These people didn't know Merlin's, or my, secret. What if they did? What if these people knew that they could exist with us? This could be life for everyone. Of course there would be bad mages out there. But there were people, like Uther, that judged others with bias. Gwen nodded at me while she filled Morgana's cup. There was a flash in Morgana's eyes. Her jaw clenched.

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